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Everything posted by deuce123

  1. deuce123

    DayZ buddies?

    i need some people to play dayz with and i need some people i can trust, add me on steam: around100bums
  2. deuce123

    92 Dayz... and Died... To a

    damn dude, looks like u had some bad luck
  3. deuce123

    92 Dayz... and Died... To a

    heres some "fail beans"
  4. i seriously have no idea how to tell where i am on the map, when my friends ask me where i am i just tell them "some where covered with trees" and that makes me feel like a complete retard at times, so if anyone could tell me where to find myself on the map it would be appreciated
  5. i hate bandits so much, all they do is pvp, i seriously found some good loot, a bandit runs in and shoots me with an M4 or something like that
  6. deuce123

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    will it have all the other modded maps?
  7. deuce123

    DayZ planet?

    if anyone can tell me what this is id appreciate it
  8. deuce123

    DayZ planet?

    i think that dayz is gonna go like world wide, not in the sense of it being released world wide, but like taking a boat/ plane to different countries and what not
  9. deuce123

    bandit encounters

    i cant stop laughing hahahahahha
  10. deuce123


    i need help with getting to the mainland of chernarus, im always stuck on the coast with like 4 zombies chasing after me, if someone could message me and IP for a server they could possibly train me on would be appreciated
  11. deuce123


    thanks for the tips
  12. deuce123

    DayZ buddies?

  13. im new to this and i havent started playing yet and i was wondering if ts3 was on the servers or on this site, answers would be appreciated
  14. deuce123

    TS3 in servers or site?

    i think ill join your server some time. do i need all the other maps for DayZ?
  15. deuce123


    how awesome would it be if there was a DayZ map just for NYC and the bouroghs around it??? leave ur thoughts on this
  16. deuce123


    thats gonna be a lot of heat packs
  17. deuce123

    Radios in Dayz

    so ur into PvP?
  18. deuce123

    Radios in Dayz

    but what if u wanna tell ur friends where to find you? u type it in side chat, all the bandits on the server will be on thier way to jack ur gear
  19. deuce123


    new york city
  20. deuce123

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    im bein a good little survivor and waiting till i get paid to buy arma2
  21. deuce123


    seriously! i mean, how freakin awesome would it be to have some of the major US cities as DayZ DLC?!
  22. deuce123

    What i've experianced in Day Z so far

    will you be my dayz buddy??? :D
  23. deuce123

    Hacker Stories

    i dont have any stories yet, but im pretty sure i will when i start playing