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Posts posted by deuce123

  1. I was doing alright on a private hive the other day, my little camp had a black SUV and a bicycle so I took my SUV down the coast loaded with meds and guns for people. Parked it by a hanger as I saw a bambi run inside, he logged when he saw me and I went back to my car only to discover server lag had stopped the ruined terrain such as static cars from spawning.

    Next thing I see my car shaking violently as its stuck between the car wrecks, boom it blows up throwing me into the wall. So I wake up a few minutes later, find a nice guy at balota who blood bags me and I give him some ammo for his gun and then he runs away.....

    I think, hey ill just go and get my bicycle......nope I crash that into a wall in cherno due to more lag and limp to the firestation, i find the two wheels I need to fix it up and just as I return a hacker sends us all to the ocean.

    Fun times.....

    damn dude, looks like u had some bad luck

  2. then youre are lucky my friend, all the guy wants is youre loot there is no need to complaint about such minor anecdotes. at my server we have rapists pedofiles child molesters and all

    kind of freaks looking to put penis into something, you say he shot on you with M4? thats nothing, yesterday a guy came out of bush nearby me with anal beads and gag ball on hand.

    my anus still sore...

    i cant stop laughing hahahahahha

  3. Just keep running away from zombies, they are very glitchy, if you go inside they will slow down to a walk, that can buy you time to quickly scramble for a weapon to take them out. Also if you are out in the open, run into a bush or pine tree and stand in the middle of it and the zombies will lose their agro and you can wait for them to leave. (some people may consider this an exploit though)

    thanks for the tips

  4. i need help with getting to the mainland of chernarus, im always stuck on the coast with like 4 zombies chasing after me, if someone could message me and IP for a server they could possibly train me on would be appreciated

  5. Why not do a map of zoidberg?

    Kidding. I think any map would be great honestly, the more maps, the more different kinds of gameplay experience you can have. I think large tall buildings would be fun, like Vorkuta in namalsk, but bigger buildings with more advanced interiors, taller, larger, nicer, more quantity of buildings.

    A full cold snow map would be cool to. kind of like namalsk but your fighting the extreme cold at all times.

    thats gonna be a lot of heat packs

  6. Everyone just uses sidechat to communicate in-game. I feel as though many of the uses of radio would be neglected.

    but what if u wanna tell ur friends where to find you? u type it in side chat, all the bandits on the server will be on thier way to jack ur gear

  7. Thread unlocked. I don't want to see anyone posting anything like;

    "I paid for Arma 2 for nothing, what a waste. Give me DayZ for free!"

    You bought a game for a free mod, that was the decision you made. By the time the standalone is released, you will have 2 games (Arma 2, DayZ) for less than the price of Skyrim.

    People who fail to heed this warning will receive one.

    im bein a good little survivor and waiting till i get paid to buy arma2

  8. I was thinking the exact thing. Or maybe San Fran. Similar to 'I Am Legend'. I would definitely play that!

    seriously! i mean, how freakin awesome would it be to have some of the major US cities as DayZ DLC?!

  9. Hi Mr.Charles. I know how you feel, it can be so frustrating and exasperating to keep being killed. It's true there are lots of people who kill on sight but where do you play? When you join the server are there five or six people on it or 10 or 20 or 30? If you join high population servers then you're an easy target if you don't yet know how to avoid heavy traffic areas like Cherno, Elektro, and the airfields.

    Try low pop servers and making a friend or a few via these forums first and join a server together. Also, watch people over a few days and see what they say/do. You can often predict who is friendly and who isn't by what they do and don't say. :thumbsup:

    Good luck! :)

    will you be my dayz buddy??? :D