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About deuce123

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tucson, Arizona
  • Interests
    I'm getting DayZ soon, so add "around100bums" on steam if ur down for some zombie hunting- no back stabbers please :)

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  • Bio
    just your average 17 year old, smoker, ex pot head, usual shit, i wish my mom was a zombie :P
  1. deuce123

    92 Dayz... and Died... To a

    damn dude, looks like u had some bad luck
  2. deuce123

    92 Dayz... and Died... To a

    heres some "fail beans"
  3. deuce123

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    will it have all the other modded maps?
  4. i seriously have no idea how to tell where i am on the map, when my friends ask me where i am i just tell them "some where covered with trees" and that makes me feel like a complete retard at times, so if anyone could tell me where to find myself on the map it would be appreciated
  5. deuce123

    DayZ planet?

    i think that dayz is gonna go like world wide, not in the sense of it being released world wide, but like taking a boat/ plane to different countries and what not
  6. deuce123

    bandit encounters

    i cant stop laughing hahahahahha
  7. deuce123

    DayZ planet?

    if anyone can tell me what this is id appreciate it
  8. i hate bandits so much, all they do is pvp, i seriously found some good loot, a bandit runs in and shoots me with an M4 or something like that
  9. deuce123


    thanks for the tips
  10. deuce123


    i need help with getting to the mainland of chernarus, im always stuck on the coast with like 4 zombies chasing after me, if someone could message me and IP for a server they could possibly train me on would be appreciated
  11. deuce123

    DayZ buddies?

  12. deuce123

    TS3 in servers or site?

    i think ill join your server some time. do i need all the other maps for DayZ?
  13. deuce123

    DayZ buddies?

    i need some people to play dayz with and i need some people i can trust, add me on steam: around100bums
  14. deuce123


    thats gonna be a lot of heat packs
  15. deuce123

    Radios in Dayz

    so ur into PvP?