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Everything posted by DayzBlackHeart

  1. BlackBandits Warzone is back! After problems with server hosts and even more problems with loading in our custom buildings and cities we are now back up and running. Our server also has a little extra room as we where filling up daily. Features: Well first of all i want to say, we love PVP. However we do love when people try to survive in such a hostile area. Everyone is welcome as long as you dont hack. - Added barracks to Electro and Cherno - Added custom buildings to Electro - Added custom city between Electro and Cherno with everything you need including barracks, industrial, medical and food. This city has been dubbed Bandit City. Its high risk to enter due to the size and the amount of loot but the payoff is worth it. - Custom loadout (Map, compass, M9 with 3 mags) - Over 150 vehicles including some custom ones. - Free Teamspeak hosting for our players to use. We are in the process of adding a couple new cities. And try to add something new every week to keep the game inturesting. We also host some fun events. Our admins are very active to help fight hackers and run every anti hack available to DayZ Servers. Think you're the best bandit? Think you can survive in such a hostile area? Come join in the battles! Filter: BlackBandits IP: Port: 2402 .
  2. I am going to be setting it to night later tonight if anyone wants to come check it out. 6:00PM PST will be the change over
  3. New Feature added! Night time is now on our server and it comes with.......... Building lights..... It is amazing for night time play, cities are easy to move around in and see but the players that light night can enjoy our server now too. We will be adding street lamps as soon as we can to help everyone see a little better.
  4. Castle has been added. Located at Kamanka. I put a few barracks in it so Kamanka doesn't suck as much now. lol. Just be careful when going to the castle, i know it will be a Bambie killing zone.
  5. Currently working on the castle. Should be a great area to play. Hoping to have it in by tonight!
  6. Just added another city to Novy Lug area. Small but a good place for loot. We will be adding a BIG castle soon, hopefully by the weekend. Last vehicle count on server restart was 265, many are helis.
  7. DayzBlackHeart

    Monky Anti Hack?

    Ive been told that monky monitor has made a Monky Anti hack.... I am aware it needs to be injected but ive heard mixed results on its effective abilities, mostly that is gives false positives. Does anyone know where to get this and any information about it?
  8. DayzBlackHeart

    Editing map in 3d Editor

    Quick tut on mission editing. **ALWAYS save a copy of the origanal PBO from your server when editing** _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 1. Open Arma2OA Press Alt + E to open map editor Select the Map you want eg. Chernarus On the right side, press "Center" double click on the map and set this to "Civilian" Now do the same for "Group" it will already have the right settings. Now click "Unit" then double click the map and beside "type" select any human model. In that same window you will see "Player" and "Playable" set the drop down menu to "Player" default is "AI" and "Playable" Default is "Non-Playable" Now you can add custom buildings to your map. All available objects are in the "Vehicle" Selection, even buildings. (DO NOT TRY TO ADD REAL VEHICLES (Cars/trucks/helis.ect). This must be done in your database.) Now that you have added the custom buildings you want, Save the file to any name you want. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Go to your Servers main directory and look for the MPmissions file and download the PBO file in that folder. Some say dayz1_chernarus some have other names. You will now need a PBO Packer/Unpacker. PBOManager v1.4 is a good choice for Windows 7 and Windows 8. You will also need the Arma2 - 3D map to 2D map converter _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2. Now that you have downloaded everything. Open the Arma2 3d map to 2d map converter, click "Open 3D Map" and select the "mission.sqf" file you edited and saved. This is in MyDocuments\Arma 2 other profiles\yourname\missions\yourmissionname It will then make another folder inside your Missions folder called yourmissionname_2d.chernarus Copy and paste this new folder and all its content to your Mydocuments\Arma 2 other profiles\yourname\MPmission folder. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3. Merging your missions Now open your PBO unpacker/packer and import your Servers DayZ MPmission PBO (mission.sqm) extract the mission.sqm file to your MyDocuments\ArmA2 Other profiles\yourname\MPmissions Now run Arma2OA. Select "Multiplayer" Select "New" Press "OK" Then select your difficulty mine is allways "regular" Your map eg: Chernarus and select "<<New - Editor>>" then press "Play" Now on the right side of the screen press the "Load" button and select your DayZ server mission file. Now press "Merge" and Select the mission you edited 2D Now Save the mission and name it anything you want. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 4. Back to the PBO Packer/Unpacker Delete the "mission.sqm" file that is inside your servers mpmission PBO (eg: dayz1_chernarus.pbo - delete mission.sqm file) Copy and Paste the newly saved merged one from your Arma2 other profiles\your name\MPmissions\NameOfTheMissionYouJustSaved Now you can re pack the PBO (PBOmanager v1.4 does it automaticly) Now Upload the new PBO to your servers MPmission folder. Your done!!! Please note, this method of mission editing does NOT require rMod and can be done on pretty much any private server.
  9. DayzBlackHeart

    Rmod Question

    Hey all. Im trying rmod for the first time. Im wondering how to install the addons to my server. I want to add the lighting effects and have all the files but not sure where to install them to. Do they go into my @rmod/addons or my chernarusrmod/addons? If anyone know please let me know or if there is a forum thread you can lead me to. thanks. -BlackHeart
  10. DayzBlackHeart

    Rmod Question

    Bump.... Hoping someone out there can help me. Im really looking for a way to turn on street lamps and or building lights.
  11. DayzBlackHeart

    Rmod Question

    sOMEONe pLEASe hELp mEE!!!!!!!
  12. DayzBlackHeart

    Dayz Night Lighting

    has anyone had any luck getting this to work on a server? I have rmod but no luck..... Anyone that can give a short tutorial it would be really appreciated and it looks like im not the only one having problems getting this to work.
  13. DayzBlackHeart

    Rmod Question

    no one knows?
  14. To anyone thinking of starting a server, Do Not Use Survival Servers . They are crap Why are they crap? #1 Cannot support 50 players without massive lag. Like people waiting 20 minutes for character to create. #2 Daily and multiple times a day server crashes that takes hours or days to fix. #3 Worst customer support ive ever seen. Takes them up to 2 days to respond to a ticket. So much fun when your server crashes. Anyways this is just what ive experienced and i dont know what kind of experiences other people have had with them but i will never recommend either of them to anyone. >:( Edit: I apologize to HFB as they have taken action to resolve the issue with the control panel and all issues have been taken care of.
  15. A Maze zing.. ​ Yes we are adding a maze! We will be hosting a PVP event on this new maze. First person to make it through the maze alive gets a full gear setup of there choice. This will include 1 Backpack, 1 Legal DayZ main weapon, 1 Legal DayZ sidearm, tool belt items, clothing and ammo. Event starts at 8:00PM est. To enter the event just be on our server before the start time and let BlackHeart know you want to participate. For rules and more details please visit the BlackBandits webpage <Click Me
  16. DayzBlackHeart

    BlackBandits Community Event!!!

    reserved . .
  17. If you have been ban from our server for a reason you are unsure of please post here. Leaving a date and time will speed up the appeal as we will have to check our logs. If you where banned for a reason not related to hacking then please state what the server admin message says. Thanks BlackHeart
  18. DayzBlackHeart


    Its not a configuration problem, i did set it up my self. Its the fact that the control panel does not seem to communicate with the server leaving me stuck either waiting for the server to start, stop or stuck at unknown. Its like clicking a button with no link and thats all you do is wait. After talking to the HFB support team they have told me they are working on that issue and hope to have that fixed today. So they are doing better then Survival that wouldnt do anything for days. Also one thing i see from HFB is they are at least involved with the community and took the time to read this post and reply to it. So i take back what i said about HFB and hope Survival Servers can learn something from them.
  19. Due to some really poor service provided by Survival Servers, we have been forced to move to a new host. We hope all of our regular players can find us and we apologize for the last server being down so often but it was not our fault. Our host would not reply when the server crashed and we where stuck. I hope to see everyone on the new server and as always we have new addons to keep it fun and interesting. Thanks BlackHeart New Server
  20. DayzBlackHeart

    Admin Question: Logs

    Anyone know what to look for in the server logs when someone does that stupid gangnam style dance or AAN News? I cant ever seem to find it.
  21. DayzBlackHeart

    Admin Question: Logs

    Anyone looking for that news script ive finally found it. 04.01.2013 14:27:44: RvG Vizio ( Xb2244784f97c7724cb7907035f3f9b4 - #181 "size='1.5' color='#00FFFF'>LOLOLOL </t>"] spawn BIS_fnc_AAN;;code"
  22. DayzBlackHeart

    Admin Question: Logs

    PublicVariable Log: #17 lpark_000 (f4107a4cXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) - #0 "dayzCharDisco" = ["6337",[133,[11095.4,7623.39,0.00164795]],[["Binocular","M9SD","ItemFlashlight","ItemKnife","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemWatch","ItemHatchet", is this the one you speak of?
  23. DayzBlackHeart

    Admin Question: Logs

    I dont know how to do that
  24. DayzBlackHeart

    Admin Question: Logs

    Ok i see that allot. thanks
  25. DayzBlackHeart

    Admin Question: Logs
