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Everything posted by Jordan*

  1. Jordan*

    Suggestion: Small choice of starting player gear.

    Opposite from me :P When I am not at school in my car I have a long rifle, medkit, 3 day bag. On my person I have a pocket knife and a hand gun, keys, phone, etc. Each person is different. I kinda like Ozelots idea.
  2. Jordan*

    every server is dark

    god dammit. :facepalm:
  3. Jordan*

    Looking For Fun Epoch Server!!!

    Jets and tanks in DayZ? Jesus.... :facepalm:
  4. We can not help you. It was not a "glitch" in the system. There was a reason you were global banned. Contact Battle Eye directly.
  5. Jordan*

    Need someone to play DayZ with!

    When looking for a group it is helpful to give some info such as play style, times you are available, etc. Good luck! :D
  6. Jordan*

    Anyone Want to Play

    When looking for a group it is helpful to put info like your age, playstyle, etc. And especially WHAT you want to play :)
  7. Jordan*

    CD Key in Use? wtf?

    *cough* DICK *cough* Who said that? Be nice guys.
  8. We speak freedom in this thread. (spoiler)
  9. Ive been helping since before you were born, boy. On topic. uhhhh.... maybe we should stop talking, Statik
  10. When looking for a group or partner it is always helpful to give information such as your playstyle, when you play, etc, :D Good luck!
  11. Jordan*

    Female Skins.

    I may be having some irrational thoughts here but why don't you just play with a male skin? You say you want to play original DayZ but play a different mod because of skins. Why let on small detail effect your whole gameplay?
  12. Jordan*

    My First Robbery in Months

    Capturing someone alive and stealing their goodies is much more rewarding than ,to me at least, than just seeing someone and just pew pewing away because yolo swag.
  13. Are you asking how to get rid of loot and zombies in a live DayZ server, with other people playing DayZ?
  14. Open an arma 2 OA server with Chernarus
  15. I am not challenging the all powerful Mrs. Sula in any way, just a curious cat I am, what is the harm in doing so, never really understood
  16. Simple terms, it would be like tetris copying the code from Battlefield 4 and calling it Tetris: BF4 mod. Shit just don't work.
  17. Wie ich es wagen? Nein, wie kannst du es wagen!
  18. Jordan*

    What Do You Want to see Dayz SA?

    Zombies? Anyone? No?
  19. Jordan*

    Easy way to find out if you can run Dayz

    Instructions not clear, dick stuck in toaster.
  20. Jordan*

    DayZ SA not being moddable

    Do not believe anything until confirmed by a 100% reliable source, ie. ( Lightfoot or Rocket)
  21. Jordan*

    Need members for DayZ Group (14+)

    Lol can people not just use the word Group? Clan and Cult just does not set a very good tone :P
  22. Jordan*

    Global Banned...

    :facepalm: Contact BE. If you TRULY did nothing, it is from downloading this thing off of youtube. Either way, you hacked or downloaded from an un-trustworthy source, and it is your fault. My guess is you will need to buy another copy, or in your case get your parents to buy another copy.
  23. You aren't the sharpest bulb in the tree are ya
  24. Providing more info on the server may also provide a more positive response, also, what is the IP? And do you by chance need admins?