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Everything posted by Jordan*

  1. Jordan*

    got a ban for no reason

    Yes, they are all correct. For us to help you, please elaborate. If you were banned from a single public server, you may be able to do something about it. If it was a global ban, please read the stickies. If it was a private hive, there is more or less nothing you can really do besides finding a new one.
  2. Jordan*

    What could have just been a simple robbery...

    Fair, but he is usually at the NE so you know.
  3. Jordan*

    What could have just been a simple robbery...

    Silly, silly Kebab. Why you so Sneaky? Edit: You see, we AJs would of helped him out! ( OK I would of broken his legs) But everyone else woulda helped him!
  4. Jordan*

    Attachments in DayZ

    JSRS my friend.
  5. Jordan*

    Attachments in DayZ

    Mhmmm. Might have to try to take one of my Mosins out, with a duct taped bi-pod.
  6. Jordan*

    Attachments in DayZ

    http://www.impactguns.com/bushmaster-a3-m4-carbine-762mm-x-39mm-w16in-barrel-6-position-telestock-bcwa3f16m439.aspx <3
  7. Jordan*


    The global ban, I believe is always the first 6 characters of you GUID. So your GUID must start with 3438fa, The global ban numbers do not stand for anything I do not think. Someone else correct me if I am wrong
  9. Awesome! Love the spheres! Thanks for sharing!
  10. Steak, QUIT BEATING ME TO THE JOKES. And also, your new avatar is fabulous.
  11. Jordan*

    self blooding

  12. Jordan*

    self blooding

    rabbit meat.
  13. Jordan*

    Dayz servers overrun

    Hello good sir. I would like to direct you to Balota Buddies. (check sig for website). I love BB. Amazing community, non-abusive admins, no spawn gear, great servers. Definitely best DayZ experience possible in my opinion.
  14. Jordan*


    Hey dude, it is really training. For me, I shoot a good bit in my life. I am used to being able to tell where a shot is coming from in real life, so for me it comes in to play here as well. I use Turtle Beach p11's I believe. Make sure your volume is up to a reasonable level. Also, find a server that uses JSRS sound mod. I play on Balota Buddies, where they have it enabled. It not only helps with directional hearing, but makes the game sound 100% better.
  15. Jordan*

    Bandit Group????????

    Just a piece of friendly advice. If you are looking for a bandit GROUP, try posting in the Clan/Group section. Or the Bandit section. Also, provide more information than "?????????????????"
  16. Jordan*

    Is It Worth Buying DayZ Mod

    I bought Arma 2 because I wanted Arma 2. Arma 2 is worth the price. No doubt about that. DayZ mod is free, so yes.
  17. Jordan*

    Dayz Gunplay

    The "bullet time" you are referring to is not how long it takes for the bullet to reach the target, rather a lag in the server. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think that is what it is. And also, the wind thing I agree with. I play Arma 2 with ACE a good bit and it adds a new level so to speak to the game. I think it should be looked at being implemented in the future.
  18. Jordan*

    Operation Arrowhead problems

    Very little description, not quite sure what you mean, But try going to expansions, and then disabling DayZ
  19. Hey man, quoting my favorite person Mr. Steak, on Balota Buddies I am in a group called the Average Joes. I am by far the youngest one in the group, 17, but the other guys are any where from 25- 34 I believe. You are welcome to come and hang with us for a little bit to see if that is what you are interested in.
  20. Cool video, pretty original idea :) Would love to see more!
  21. I might have to check you guys out. I think you guys may have made a really great server. Been looking for a good, hardcore kind of server.
  22. dat IP/Port would be necessary to find the server
  23. Jordan*

    Character not saving

    Private Hive= Keeps to own server Public Hive= Character shared among all Public servers. Tents and vehicles will only be on the server you had them.
  24. Jordan*

    DayZ - Hacker or no hacker?

    Agreed, 100% hacker. Also,could I ask what song this is?
  25. Jordan*

    Extremely high ping

    What Hockey said, and also make sure you are not downloading nor uploading anything, at all while playing. If you are using DayZ Commander, I like to set it to close after I join, this only helps a tad bit though.