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Everything posted by Jordan*

  1. Jordan*

    I wasn't shot on sight....

    The most consistent player base we have is in the AU. But recently US46 has had a good amount, too. For example, last night we had near 25 people on for about 12 hours straight. UK has not been populated at all recently :/ US would be your best bet due to ping and such.
  2. Jordan*

    I wasn't shot on sight....

    We have a surprising amount of heroes. But as Rage said, we have a varied community. For example, I was running with a few people yesterday who had humanity varying from 8K to -34K. We were in the same group, just performing different roles. BB is favorite.
  3. I apologize for nailing you with a makrov yesterday, in the long run I saved you from hours of torture from Inception and I. Hope to see you back soon, if you see me in TS lemme know, still feel bad :P
  4. Jordan*

    Why does Dayz lag for me?

    That is not quite how cores work.
  5. Jordan*

    Why does Dayz lag for me?

    Yes, it is. And 2.7 Ghz sadlywill not handle DayZ.
  6. Jordan*

    Reloading Techniques

    I always wait for me whole magazine to be expanded. Much more practical.
  7. Jordan*

    Toxic gas and kevlar west

    Youre saying wait it out for up to 10 hours?
  8. Jordan*

    Add weapon cargo?

    Nah man, should not be banned. When they say they banned the m107/AS50 they mean from loot tables. Also, the reason it did not do anything was because they no longer do ANY damage even if spawned in. So he should not get banned. (99.9999999%) sure he will not. Why would he?
  9. Jordan*

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    Ghilie? AS50? Whats a hero gonna do with that. Shoot me when Im not looking. Thats what.
  10. Jordan*

    Actions seem delayed

    Server lag seems to be the issue. Try to find servers in your country or not too far away. For example, I live in the US but play fine on UK ones. I have some lag on AU servers. Balota Buddies has servers in the AU,UK, and US. To fit all your needs. And also, about the screen turning gray. It is possible they missed, but very close to you. It has happened to me when someone missed a .50 CQB on me, round went right by my head and screen turned gray.
  11. Jordan*

    How to make a server?

    This pisses me off. Trying to make personal money off of a FREE mod. If you take donations and put them to making a better server, then that is a different situation. But really? Cmon man. Sorry for the rant, but really.
  12. Jordan*

    How will this play DayZ

    I run a 660ti, i5 3570k, 8GB of RAM, get 35-45 frames in Cherno, anywhere from 60- 80 anywhere else
  13. Jordan*

    How will this play DayZ

    Not true at all if you build. Not sure about stock PCs.. always build.
  14. Jordan*

    How will this play DayZ

    Please read the sickies. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/136657-can-i-run-it-ask-here-2/
  15. Jordan*

    [SA] Prison Jumpsuits + Backstory

    That could be a good thing in its own game. But not DayZ. My interpretation of DayZ is to craft your own life, your own back story, and make the kind of person you want. I think that is what the DayZ devs wanted and want still. I do not think DayZ is the type of game in which to make you stick to this back story. You should make your own.
  16. Jordan*

    How to fly a plane?

    Make sure you have enough runway and make sure its clear, ie, no cars, or people. Accelerate as long as you can before needing to pull up. This will help ensure you do not stall and crash. It will pull up by itself eventually. Landing... two ways. If you do not feel confident in lading, just eject where you want. If you feel you can do this, go for it.. I prefer actually landing. 1.Line up straight with the runway. Setting a map marker helps a lot. 2. Lower your speed using Z, I like to get to about 100 or lower when landing 3. Touch the front wheels, then the back 4. KEEP HOLDING Z 5. Engine off when about 15 KM/h When on the ground, use X and C to turn the plane. Have fun
  17. Jordan*

    [SA] Prison Jumpsuits + Backstory

    wot..... You always want to find better clothing.... fresh spawn or not. All this would do is make the standard survivor skin different. What good does that do? And why would every single person in the game be a fugitive?
  18. Mk 48. easy choice. Larger round, larger magazine, longer range.
  19. Jordan*

    Please Join this server!

    Boy that will get me to join. Thanks for that awesome marketing.
  20. Jordan*

    need some friends

    Hey dude, here in the Balota Buddies community we have a wide range of ages. Many people your age. You are sure to make and meet some new friends/ We have an amazing community, good servers, and awesome times. With no hackers. We are a whitlelisted community, so you will need to put in an application to join and then be interviewed, neither one of these takes very long at all. Come check us out at http://balotabuddies.net! Looking forward to hearing from ya.
  21. How dare you edit my post. The fact that I forgot about editing on here does not give you the right, Ceppy. <3
  22. I tried to pilot us to safety. Succeeded for a good while. I was the swimming man :( Was a ton of fun though.
  23. Jordan*


    That will pull players in. HERES THE IP JOIN ME K BYE
  24. Hey dude, glad you are joining in on some DayZ. Everyone here is correct, private hives are the way to go. First step is downloading DayZ Commander. http://www.dayzcommander.com/ Look through the servers, they usually have a description in the title, look for "Private Hive" I recommend Balota Buddies. I have been with these guys for a couple months now, and not seen a SINGLE hacker/scripter on their whitelisted servers. Whielisted is when you have to put in an application, get interviewed, and then be accepted. BB's founder even created his own AnitHack system that runs a quick check through your files to see if you have any scripts in your PC. BB not only brings a great set of servers, but also a great community. Check us out at http://balotabuddies.net/
  25. Jordan*

    50's, L119, or none?

    When have you found an M107 in a shed? I want to go to that shed. WW2 Rifles? Odd sniper type gun? What? Just because this is supposed to be a Czech area does not mean you can only find Russian weapons. And what do you mean odd sniper type guns?