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Everything posted by Jordan*

  1. Jordan*

    Crooked Admins!?!? Say it aint so...

    Join Balota Buddies! Amazing admins, good community, reliable servers. Best DayZ decision that I made :P
  2. Jordan*

    What happen to the zombies?

    There have been times when I could stand beside a zombie, and not be hit until about 24 seconds later. It is truly sad that zombies are no longer part of the danger of the game. I hope for the stand alone the zombies will be MUCH MORE of a threat.
  3. Hey dude, I think this would be cool, however 8 hours long seems a little long for one event, but that is just my opinion :) Hope it works out!
  4. Shrapnell, while I understand why you are angry, some people do want to have PvP every now and then. I play as a hero on my servers, but sometimes I do just want some PvP. So I am glad that there are only a few servers like this ( I hope) but I think they have their place.
  5. It is running the latest version, correct?
  6. Jordan*

    Somewhat new player seeking advice

    Hey dude, http://aowdayz.com/ . Awesome server, you don't spawn with anything different, but it is not too hard to get geared. The server has custom bases, and new buildings in certain areas. Send me a PM and I will show you around it a little bit. Hope you stop by, have fun!
  7. http://dayzdb.com/ I think it takes the fun out of learning your way around, but it is helpful for learning the map
  8. Jordan*

    Trading Mountain Dew

    Just a heads up, no one is going to give you a Ghilie Suit nor will they give up NVGs for a soda can....
  9. Hey buddy I just sent you a PM :D Glad to help!
  10. Jordan*

    Is DayZ Scary Anymore?

    I have been playing for 6 months, and like you I remember how terrifying and enthralling it was to charge somewhere, and now know if you were going to make it out. Now zombies have little to no effect to my game play most of the time sadly.... hopefully the stand alone will prove otherwise.
  11. Jordan*

    Can a broseph get a ride?

    Go to Zelengorsk..... Then Vybor. Then NW. I love this game to death, but it has to be a running simulator at some points :P
  12. Glad to hear! I highly recommend the Art of War server. It's my main server at the moment, I will be on in a little bit. If you like it, register at http://aowdayz.com/ . Hope to see you soon :D
  13. Hey buddy, I have not heard ANYTHING good about Steam's version. Go download DayZ commander, download the versions from there. It is an awesome, free application. Hope this helps, if not feel free to PM me!
  14. Jordan*

    Building pc for DayZ.

    Hey, just watched the Seam Box video you were talking about. If you are building that exact PC, then yes it will be able to run stand alone well enough. The CPU could be a little bottlenecky for the stand alone. I would either go for a little better CPU or overclock it as much as you can. Here are some pros and cons of the stand alone optimizing. There are obviously more than this, but I thought these would be the most helpful/ detrimental. Hope it helped. Pros: Better overall optimizing (graphic levels) Better zombie skeletons (Less CPU heavy) Cons: SUPPOSEDLY better overall graphics. (volumetric clouds etc.) ALL zombies spawning at once, opposed to when a player is near
  15. Alright, I will definitely check it out!
  16. How many people does the server usually have on at max times? I see none on right now :P
  17. Jordan*

    DayZ - Scaring People 4

    This is great! Beans for you!:D
  18. Dude, he may have been using GodMode at some point today, Im not sure. But for the hours I was with him, he was not. Nor was he using ESP.
  19. I have been on server all day, I am not an admin, gun store is legit, they do not cheat. Still awesome server
  20. Jordan*

    Having trouble joining servers

    Perfect :D Feel free to PM me if you have any other troubles!
  21. Jordan*

    Having trouble joining servers

    Hey dude. I have not heard anything good about the steam version, HockeyGuy is right, try DayZ commander. Hope it helps!
  22. Jordan*

    Good Server Hoster?

    Normally, I would suggest Vilayer. I know a few contacts over there, but I do feel inclined to say that right now they are going through issues. ( Time stuck in game etc.) So right now, I think DayZ.ST is the best choice, but in a month or so check out Vilayer!