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About Eurastus

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  1. I can see Epoch as an option on my DayZ.ST control panel. Unfortunately, no Sauerland or Napf yet, though. I'm going to give a try and see if it deletes all previous base building items as did when upgrading from Wish us luck! Edit: Well, it worked like a charm! No missing objects this time (well...as far as I can tell nothing is missing anyway.....) Now....let's hear it for for Napf!!!!!
  2. Oh...and what about the two new maps that are included in these recent Epoch releases, Sauerland and Napf? Will Dayz.ST soon be able to support their servers hosting either of these maps? Napf in particular looks very inviting. Thanks,
  3. Now that SA supports multiple (private?) hives, have circumstances changed for DayZ.ST? Nobody plays on our .ST server anymore...nobody at all. I'm afraid if you fellows aren't able to support SA, I may have to look elsewhere--as much as I would rather not do that. Any ideas?
  4. So........ Now that standalone is out, I've found almost all of the regular players on my Panthera Epoch server have abandoned the mod and are now playing standalone. If I could host a standalone server myself (using ST, of course), I'm sure the regular crew would come back. What's the word on DayZ.ST hosting standalone servers? How soon do you anticipate that being an option? Thanks, as always.
  5. And now...thanks for the Panthera Epoch! As always, it's perfect!! (Well...except for the admin map not matching the in-game map.) It looks like the admin map is for an earlier, smaller version of Panthera, not the larger, two-island-version that is actually running. Any chance for an update to the admin map? Thanks so much, guys!
  6. What's the word on Epoch Panthera? Planned? My players love Epoch but are growing weary of both Chernarus and Taviana already. We'd love to have some new scenery! Whatcha' say?
  7. The latest Epoch available on DayZ.st is latest on Play WithSix is as well. They match up just fine. If a server admin hasn't updated to the latest...well...that's another issue, I suppose.
  8. I have the same issue. I can see my own Admin chats that I send from DaRT, but no other chats from of the players in the game. I've got all of the types of chats checked to "show" in the settings screen. No luck. Ideas?
  9. What great customer service! Yet another reason why DayZ.ST is a great hosting platform! Thanks again!
  10. Here's a follow-up to my previous post: I received a nice e-mail from DayZ.ST support this morning. Thanks for replying and letting me know my options. Secondly, PayPal finally answered my query with the following statement: I understand that you are having issues changing the assigned funding source for your subscription with HostFlux LLC. PayPal is aware of this ongoing issue which was caused by a system upgrade. This has been escalated to our Technical Department who is still working towards a resolution. It would appear, then, that this is squarely a problem with PayPal. I can only hope they remedy the situation before DayZ.ST cuts off my server!! I wonder if other users will face similar problems when DayZ.ST hits their PayPal subscription for the next month.
  11. Is DayZ.ST having trouble with PayPal? I received a message Sunday morning that my regular monthly PayPal subscription payment did not process properly and I should check my funding source on PayPal. When I attempted to do so, I was presented with three funding options, none of which could be selected; the radio buttons would not check. Most unusual. I sent messages to both admin@dayz.st and to PayPal yesterday morning as well as follow-up emails this evening. No response yet, either from DayZ.ST or from PayPal. I really don't want to lose this server. Up to this incident, we've never had the slightest problem. Our server is still running great...so far. This sure looks like a PayPal issue, but none of my other PayPal subscriptions are having trouble. I even had a PayPal Netflix subscription payment run just fine earlier today. From my standpoint, this seems like an issue with how DayZ.ST set up their acceptable PayPal subscription options...of course I may well be wrong. Any ideas? Am I the only one reporting this type of problem or are there others?