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About Byff

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Getting infected and finding antibiotics are pretty high on the topic lists atm, so here's my suggestion. Leave the infection rate the same, but have it escalate from an irritation to a full on pass-out scenario. I'd also introduce anti-septic into the game and possibly alcohol to find a use for all those whisky bottles. Here's how my idea would play out: Zombie hits you, you have a chance of getting infected depending on if the hit made you bleed. The infection can be cleared by using alcohol/anti-septic to clean the wound. (There's no loss of blood at this stage and no serious effects). If not treated in time e.g. 30 mins, the infection gets worse and only antibiotics can cure it. You now have blood loss. If the blood loss is too much i.e. <5000, you loose the ability to run and can only walk crouched. The existing mechanics of passing out if on really low blood is just the icing on the cake.
  2. Byff

    Things that kills realism

    Dude, you just need to chill a bit - it's only a game.
  3. You bought a budget PC and in your own words, "It runs well". I can't see the problem.
  4. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz Epoch day#2 Logged in to find an unconscious timer on an incredibly long count down. Wasn't long before the zeds found me and gave me a quick trip back to the coast. The server was in darkness, a first for me. Figured out how to get the torch working and set off for Cherno to restock on essentials. Lots of FogeyZ on the server so managed to get a lift up to the base where I picked up some NVG's. A plan was formed to attack a base, so grabbed a M16 and jumped in a SUV to see what the FogeyZ were like as a fighting team. Got to our location and the driver promptly ran over Gilly. I had morphine etc. so administered a bit of first aid and got him back on his feet, where he got ran over again and killed. I very quickly lost sight of the group and found myself alone in the woods. After running around for a bit not knowing what to do, the server restarted back into daylight. I heard someone mention Berezino, so headed there when I heard a motorbike that sounded a bit rough. Figuring he may be looking for parts, I found the bike in the lumber yard but no player, so headed into the school/office block building onto the roof. The player ran across the yard but I'm such a crap shot, I missed him completely then got knocked out by a zed with a passing blow. Not the best situation to be in, I'm not sure who killed me, the zed or the player that found me lying on the floor. I don't think I'm cut out for all this running around shooting lark, I can barely keep myself alive against the environment never mind other people. I'm not sure this is how Gilly wanted to be featured in my blog, but I'm just telling it as it is.
  5. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Thanks for the offer Mr Goldfish, but I like figuring out stuff for myself. Had my first day playing today so.... Byff's Blogz Epoch day#1 Spawned in next to Cherno with nothing but a torch and 2 bandages. First stop the supermarket where I found a British Assault pack and the fire station where there was an AKS. I also found a tractor so took a bit of time figuring out the repair/salvage feature. Took a few deaths while trying out my new surroundings and noticed a chronic lack of maps, but a huge excess of watches. Obviously, the people of Chernarus took punctuality very seriously. Respawning in Kamenka, I found a pick up truck, hull was fully damaged but driveable. I used this to get me up to Berezino where I figured the Fogeyz was located. The bases on the DayzForever server has an automatic protection that kills you if you try to enter and your not part of the bases clan. With this in mind and not being sure if it was the correct location or how instantaneous the death would be, I loaded the pick up with all my gear so if killed, I wouldn't loose anything. While approaching the base, I was too busy looking at some buildings and I drove straight into a fence. With the hull being totally broken, it was enough to stop it dead, I jumped out and it burst into flames. All my gear up in a puff of smoke. As it happens, it wasn't even our base so I collected a few odds and ends to test the trader camp at Klem (spelling?). I only got a few silver and gold, figured out how to smelt it into 10oz bars and then headed off to the NWAF. As I'd lost all my weapons in the truck, I was pretty desperate for a good gun but the server was very busy and there was activity at the airstrip. I sneaked through the woods up to the barracks and found a land rover. Knowing its owners were probably close, I kept in cover and observed. Nothing...so I crept to the land rover - two guns inside and a few odds and ends and it was unlocked. In hindsight, I probably should have taken a gun and stalked the car for the owners return, but I got excited and tried to steal the landy. Damn that things slow when your in a hurry, didn't get far when I heard the shots...dead! Respawned near to where I'd finished playing with the tractor, so figured a tractor is better than being on foot. Driving along a train track , the thing toppled over onto its side so I'm currently back on foot heading north. Pretty good start and a poor ending for this session and I need to figure out the best things to collect when doing a cash4gold run to maximise my carrying potential.
  6. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Sadly, today marked the end of the Fogeyz Cherno server. My adventures will begin again once I've got this Epoch mod installed. It's a bit scary, but I feel the time is right to unleash my incompetence upon my fellow Fogeyz and play alongside them battling the other survivors for supreme dominance.
  7. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz day#18 Decided to try tooling myself up and loosing the axe for a while. The axe has become a comfort blanket to me, knowing that when in a tight spot, it'll one hit zeds silently. So I'm forcing myself to carry a "proper" weapon, at the moment, a M4A3 CCO (I think that's what it's called). I noticed there was only me and another player on the fogeyz Chernarus server so I thought I'd be a badass and go hunt him down. Crossing Balota, I noticed zeds on the road so stalked through the trees to find my pray. There he was, crossing into some military tents - unarmed and being a complete Bambi. I could have shot him, but I didn't have the heart, so opened up a bit of dialogue instead. I stayed hidden which was fun, he was running all over the place and he didn't know where I was, dodging behind tree's and lurking in bushes. In the end, I took him along to Cherno and got him kitted up, but once he'd got a weapon, I said my goodbyes and left him to it. I'm still no where near what you'd call proficient in this game, but today has made me realise that I'm not as useless as I think I am. All I need now is a few more players on the server so come join me on the Fogeyz private hive - custom buildings and 300 extra vehicles.
  8. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz day#17 I've sorted out my stuff into - Food/Meds, Fuel/Repairs and Weapons. Each group has it's own vehicle which gets used depending on what I find while scouting the map. I also have two tents set up now with starter equipment - matches, hatchet, knife, toolbox, weapons, food etc etc... on the East and West of the map. It's taken a lot of running, but I've also moved all my vehicles down to the coast for new spawns to find - they'll still have to look for them, I'm not offering them up on a plate like parked on the road between Cherno and Elektro. I've only kept 2 SUV's and a Landy because they're my favorites. I also repaired an ATV and was moving that to the coast when the ATV leap of death occured while driving over a bridge. I am fully aware of the whole flip glitch for these things so I'd slowed right down to under 20kph but it still shot over onto it's side. I jumped off and tried the new "unflip" option when my character went "hurugh!!!" and the ATV shot into the air. I backed off wondering where it would land when WHAM! it appeared right next to me and exploded into a ball of flame. Dead. Respawn point wasn't too far off so recovery wasn't too much of an issue, but I'd really wanted to try and make this character last for a few days, grow old and turn into an OAP. So as I was a brand new character, I thought I'd try target practice. I'd deliberately agro and bunch of zeds and try to kill them. Needless to say, my shot still needs lots of practice and I'm getting pretty good at recovering my dead body when it all goes wrong.
  9. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz day#16 It's getting rare that I'm the only player on the server, even during the quiet periods when I could loot the map with ease. Couple of new players that make me uneasy, fire and air, that are always on together so until I've established friendly or hostile intentions, will continue to treat then with suspicion. My garage is still undiscovered, still 7 vehicles but I've swapped a UAZ for another black SUV. I was determined not to add another vehicle to the collection and cure myself of this hoarding addiction. When I have time on Monday, I'll sort out the gear and move all but the 2 SUV's down to the coast (presuming they haven't been found by then). Today I've been looting industrial spawns to collect enough spares to do full repairs of anything I may find. I'm still low on engine parts and glass, but I've got loads of scrap metal and Jerry cans. I also ran through a pub and found my very first ghillie suit. A good hours worth of looting and I finish my last nightshift tonight before a week off :)
  10. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz day#15 I'm on nightshifts so only had time for an hour of play. TheJJ was calling for help, but I couldn't have been further away on the map. I was at NEAF, he was at Balota. On the way, Daryl and Pizza logged in and declared themselves bandits, so I had to be cautious. Picked up an AK and put the hatchet away then continued to theJJ's position. Unfortunately, he had to log out before I got there so went back to scavaging for parts until it was time to go to work. I seem to consume vast amount of windscreen's, so apocolypse or no apocolypse, I'm keeping the good folks at autoglass in a job.
  11. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz day#14 I've been practicing the art of surviving. Filled my tent with beef steaks, meds, water bottles and anything else that'll be handy. I've also turned into a bit of a hoarder much to my own dismay. I've now collected 7 vehicles and hidden them away, something I've got to stop doing. I'll probably start distributing them around the coast soon but in the mean time, my little garage forecourt looks damn sexy. If anyone found them, they'd probably laugh their heads off in disbelief. I felt sorry for Cholay today. Due to my chopper having a little "accident", he was performing taxi duties and was ambushed. Fortunately, I had a few heli parts and arranged to meet him at pustoshka but someone intercepted him and shot him. If I had my chopper still, that could have been me. It's maybe time to hang up my hatchet and start weapon training. These are dangerous times we play in.
  12. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz day#13 My little bird was still hidden away, so thought I'd go for a fly around. On take off, clipped a tree, crashed and died. Nice start to the session. Ran back to my body and recovered my stuff, getting to be a bit repetitive this lol. A quick check of the NWAF revealed only a plane, so I thought I'd have another crack at fixed wing flying. Managed to do a full lap of the map and landed it safely so parked it up more or less where I found it and went off to examine some of the treasure's I'd found. I did steal a Huey, but in my defence, as it was left on the very edge of the map and in plain view, it was far too tempting to leave alone. I did leave my pick-up as payment and transferred it's gear over so they didn't loose their stuff. Trying to find a good hiding place for a chopper is very hard, the little bird was un-discovered for nearly a full weekend but it's location made landings risky and take off's virtually impossible. There must be a little bit of the map where everyone manages to miss, a small valley, an untraveled road or a peak that's just easier to walk around than over. I'm not convinced with it's current hiding place, one day I'll find the Holy grail of hiding places then I'll be content.
  13. Byff

    Byff's Blogz

    Byff's Blogz day#12 Only logged in for a quicky to raid the supermarket for some matches. Then cake'n'death mentioned his chopper had been stolen so I went on a bit of a hunt. While I was flying in the plane, I'd spotted a little bird hidden away, so I ran off to see if it was cake's hiding place or if it was someone else's stash. A quick 2k run and a bit of a search in the forest and I'd located the little bird - good condition but zero fuel. Fortunately, there were 5 Jerry cans in it's gear, enough to get it to a fuel tank. While filling it up at NWAF, I was buzzed by a Huey with Cholay and Wacko in it. With 1/3 of a tank, I set off to pick up cake'n'death and witnessed the Huey nose dive into a field. Thinking Wacko and Cholay were possible casualties, I landed to see if anyone needed assistance. Apparently, Wacko had disconnected, Cholay bailed so there were no fatalities, just a burning shell of a huey. Once I was satisfied everyone was ok, I took off to fill the rest of the tank when cake'n'death's killed message came up - he had been held up by Gilly but a bit of confusion had led to his demise. Setting off towards Cherno, I thought I'd get near to the spawn points to pick him back up when Cholay and Gilly shot past me in another Huey (just where have they got all these choppers stashed away lol). We managed to get to Cherno and I picked up cake in the little bird. Now little bird's aren't the fastest of choppers and whoever was piloting the Huey must of been getting bored of the slow coach. All I saw was a whoosh of Huey overhead, then a few seconds later, BANG! Apparently, a barrel roll over my chopper didn't quite go according to plan, so that was Huey No2 nose first in the dirt. Cholay had died in the crash, so I dropped cake off and headed to Balota to pick him up. As the chopper was a result of ill gotten gains - i.e. Stolen - I let Cholay have it and I parachuted out in some open fields to hunt animals when I log back in. Sorry to see two Huey's destroyed, but at least I'll have a chance of finding the re-spawns.