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Everything posted by number7

  1. number7

    Carebear Brainstorming Thread

    I agree completely! lets rename Cherno to hug-town and electro to Happy place now, anyone who points their gun at another survivor will be perma banned from every server, because bandits are bad and they killed me when i had good gear :'( survivors who are nice should get love points, which can be spent on in-game rewards, like a hug cannon that turns all zombies it is shot at into back into normal civilians. Also, we need a bright, happy environment, more bright pinks and light blues and such on the environment. +10 if we can replace cows and pigs and stuff with unicorns and puppies. /sarcasm No playstyle should be rewarded by in-game things like keeping loot after death or any of those ideas. I was playing last night, and i found a survivor, we teamed up and worked together, and i got my RL friend online as well, our group of three went around and only killed at people we were sure, absolutely sure, had intentions to kill us. we used stealth, and chatted to people on the chat and made several allies. we looted the NW airfield because the bandit sniper there decided he liked us after we had been chatting to him for a while and he offered us to go in and loot stuff. so we killed a heap of bandits, got a load of loot, and it was heaps fun doing it. if you took out bandits, or started punishing bandits (with actual punishments, or lack of rewards) then i wouldn't play it anymore because the game would be heading in a direction i really dont like. imagine if all there was to do in the game was get gear, then get more gear. PvP is the solution to that at the moment, get good gear, kill bandits and save good survivors. the zombies are pathetic anyway, even if you toned them up in strength, they will NEVER match the threat a player can present, because they are dumb AI, and a player can think and plan
  2. number7

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    i agree, All bandits should have all equipment stripped from them, be in a bright orange convict suit and have a floating neon sign pointing at them saying 'I AM A BANDIT, SHOOT ME' (side note - this game would be way boring without bandits)
  3. Do any of you realise how boring the game would be without assholes who shoot at you? I, for one, don't want to sit in the forest all day scavenging beans so i can increase my in-game life counter where the only reward at the end of it is more in-game beans. Let people shoot other people all they want, so it gives me something interesting to contend with, an actual threat to survival!
  4. i see complaints about people who play the game like CoD and go around killing everyone for fun. i know there are two types of people who will be doing this 1) stupid ones just looking to shoot on sight and not being remotely tactical 2) smart ones that use cover, stealth and deception to achieve their kills If you die to the first one, whether you're alone or in a group, that's your problem for being stupid enough to die to some guy running around shooting everyone he sees. The second one is a legitimate threat, and because of it you think you can't team up with anyone, but when you do team up with people and you work together, covering each other and gathering information before you made your move, at most a bandit might be able to suicide attack and kill one of you before he was gunned down. and its not that fun for the bandit unless you start raging at them, then they might consider it worth it maybe? but really, what is a stranger you havent met doing in the middle of your co-ordinated raid on a town, point your guns at him and make him leave, and shoot him if you really think he's going to shoot you. and what happens if you meet a group of bandits? you get to have a skirmish with them. skirmishes are actually really fun in this game. a group of survivors / carebears who use their head will fare SIGNIFICANTLY better. There's only so much you can do going it alone, there's safety in numbers. survivors and carebears haven't realised this yet, and are just like LOL ILL SHOOT ON SIGHT IN CASE THEY'RE A BANDIT
  5. number7

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I'm a new player, and these are my opinions on all this topic Don't have a sign for bandits like a skin, don't give any indication that they are different from survivors. In a realistic scenario, if you chose to go down and help someone and they shot you afterwards for your stuff, you cant come whine on the forums about it. I think this game already has a very good PvP system, the only weak point is the zombies are not scary enough at the moment. this is about pvp so i wont waste time talking about zombies here. a major complaining point for players is that when they helped a wounded player, they got shot and had their stuff taken. These players are wimps and can't take dying. You need to learn through observation which players seem like friends and which will shoot you. if you see someone laying wounded in a field, you could question them before you approached, or better yet claim you have a sniper aiming at them concealed in cover nearby, so if you die they die (whether bluffing or not, doesnt matter). Now if you actually did have a sniper, he could kill said betrayer and take your most valuable items back for you. This shows an example of how groups of good players can work together instead of shooting on sight. Never go in without a back up plan. Always have as much information as possible. groups of good players could band up, and inform each other on bandit locations. survivalist factions warring with bandit factions. In this the survivalists would have a better chance, since if i, as an impartial observer saw some wounded survivalists who needed help after killing bandits, i would go offer help because i know they will not shoot me. I would not extend the same offer to bandits who would shoot me for my gear afterwards. If you shoot everyone on sight, you have no reason to complain when everyone shoots you on sight as well.