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Everything posted by kantsler

  1. add me on steam, name is kantsler
  2. are you kidding me, Me and my clan stop going to berenzino for the past 2 weeks because every session we do ends up with a hackers killing everyone at the same time (we are in different buildings). Hackers are out of control right now. If you want to avoid retarded hackers move out of the spawn points and some where north west or balota. Last night I went to test the hacker state with my friend and in berenzino and I got killed 4 times on 2 different servers by a hacker who was rolling through the air next to me. I shot him in the head with a mossin 2 times and he disappear. 2 seconds after that i loud shot and im dead. my friend sits next to me saying i didnt hear anything but i see your body being looted and there is no one here.. so if your question still stands weather this game is hacker infested then you got your answer. I hope they will fix this bullcrap fast cause north west is boring as hell at the moment.
  3. kantsler

    The benefits of being a "Hero"

    op is right, at this moment there are so many kids shooting you on sight that it makes no sense trying to talk with some one most of them either shoot u or log off
  4. kantsler

    Hot Spawning, Ghosting, Combat Logging. @@@

    I totally agree with the OP. First of all game should not be released even to alpha state when there are game breaking mechanics like simply logging off. The other day I had ghost spawning inside the NWAF CT and he started to run outside, I aim my mosin at him and fire one round. I miss the shot and before im finished reloading the second shot in to the chamber he logs of while running. This is total bullshit. another thing is our gaming community is fed up with alphas and betas.. what is this new trend to make a game and sell it half done to desperate players who have nothing better to play. If its going to be an alpha at least fix the game core mechanics. I dont mind the bugs or the optimization or lack of items or zomibes. also dayz is all about survival and Bandit / Hero system even that is not included in the game. This makes KOS rewarding and un punishable.
  5. kantsler

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Op, sounds like you been playing with some thing we doctors like to call "anus gamerus homo sepian" (in short - an assholes) if you want a real mature and nice group hit me up on steam and ill introduce you to our squad. one thing though we only accept 23+ people. my name on steam is kantsler.
  6. kantsler

    The players of DayZ Ruin the game

    Op, when they release the bandit/hero mark on people you will know who is friendly and who is a bandit just by the way they look. until then its a big death match zone since there is nothing to punish you for killing another player. Also the reason people dont really use hand cufs on people is because at first sight of trouble people hit escape and quit the server. If the quitting wont end it will be impossible to arrest anyone ever.
  7. Hey guys, Just want to get your opinions on the subject at hand. We play computer games for fun if im not mistaken.. Group and team play can be very rewarding when it comes to computer games, the feeling of achievement once a task is accomplished with a a group of people can feel very epic indeed. I want to share a dayz story with you all and before you start throwing shoes at me and sharpening your hate forks please understand that this is not a QQ thread and it was not meant to be a discouraging thread in any case. anyways back to the story. 2 days ago i start playing as a fresh spawn. The session was some where around 6 hours which included: running to gear up from east spawn locations to the north west airfield. then meet with my friends at north west airfield (took them 40 minutes to get to me) and head down to ballota. when we got there eventually it was too late and i had to wrap things up. yesterday I spawn again with my friends and we go to the tall building complex to see if we can find some action. We position a sniper on one of the roofs and the rest spread in the town. after 2 hours of hopping full servers we havent found a single soul to save or kill. We then decide to head to cherno. In cherno we hop around 10 server on 30-35 pop and found no one either. the time is now 3:00 am and i have to wake up in 6 hours for work. I decide to lead the squad of 4 people to electro and DC there. on our way there a wonderful thing happens We hear a crack pop snapple sound and one of my friend says he is dead. we take cover in the trees and try to spot the sniper. Being the sounds of sniper fire in this game are lower then the sound of M4 we have a hard time to see or hear where the sniper was shooting from. 3 more shots fired, he misses. I finaly spot him far far away in the trees and take a shot at him, obviously missing him and he run a bit farther up the trees. 20 minutes later we still try and spot him we hear another shot, I see him again and run for line of sight to take a shot at him. The sound of crack pop spik sounds in my headphones and a message "you are dead" on a black screen finishes my 12 hours journey in dayz. So lets take a look at my game experience shall we? we had around 4 hours of holding the W key and running this wonderful hike simulator 2014. we have around 1 hours total of eating and drinking. we had around 2 hours of waiting for friends to get to me. we had about 30 minutes of server hopping down time due to no loot or server change cause of lag. we had about 2 hours of laying and crouching on rooftops looking for interactions with none existing players on full pop servers. we also had about 2 hours looting empty towns for food and water. finaly we had about 30 minutes of pvp which resolved in re setting all of our hard work and putting us back where we started, north east with a flashlight. Now this got me thinking, is this really worth my time? I mean i spent 12 hours on a journey that 99% of was spent on looking for loot eating waiting and running just so i can have some action for 30 minutes and then do it all over again? is this what the gaming community calls fun these days or am i not getting some thing? I see great potential in this game but the concept of surviving is a lie. If you want to survive just sit in the woods on empty server and no body will touch you ever. In my opinion the game is about PVP and those who say different kid them self. Its all about killing bandits or killing everybody on sight and if thats the case which it is no matter what any one says why is it so frustrating and hard to respawn and gear to rejoin your team members in combat? The answer from most players would be "you are playing the wrong game" and they will probably be right because this is not my cup of tea at all. But some elements of this game are so attractive to me that im willing to close my eyes on the bad things in this game and just fool my self into loving this game. Last night my eyes were opened once again and the question WHY was repeating in my head.. why should I do it all over again and waste another evening on preparing my char for the next days adventure that might end in a fire fight of 1-30 minutes.. I wont even mention how many times Iv tried to be "friendly" with some one and got shot in the face the minute the heard my voice on local coms. I will probably stop playing this game from a logical point of view. Life is short and if we are going to spend hours of it in a virtual game they better be worth it. I expect to have 80% fun and 20% work in any game and so far dayz provides 80% work and 20% fun and 19% of the fun is talking to my group member on teamspeak :/ Those who read till the end of the thread are my heroes and I thank you for the interest. Please leave comments and try to avoid telling me how retarded I am for saying negative stuff about dayz. Im just a gamer with a thought on his mind.
  8. kantsler

    Should this be called fun?

    And I dont agree with you my friend because I have played games like warz (infestation) and you horde gear there and its never enough, the thirst of killing other players for their loot is even stronger in Dayz gear almost dont matter since you cant pick up more then you can carry on your self. you can only have 1 main weapon and 1 secondary. if you carry 2 main weapon you cant do anything with your hands or climb stairs which btw is totally unrealistic. If it was zombie apocalyps I would limb stairs with a piano on my back.
  9. kantsler

    Should this be called fun?

    this actually sounds great. I would like some sort of a base to spawn near too and make a group effort of building it and adding things to it. then later on chilling inside of it with a camp fire etc. Tents are also awesome but from what I recall in dayz mods they used to disappear every time the server restarts so you could not trust a tent back then, maybe they changed it later when I stop playing.
  10. kantsler

    Should this be called fun?

    Well my friend, I dont have a problem spending money for games because they do give me a lot of fun per hour if we count it this way. The reason im writing this post is because there is some thing that is not entirely clear to me that pulls me back to play this game but I must say that for me, Death is a way too harsh penalty in the game. I could take the loss of gear but the process of gearing up again takes too long. Also I like playing in groups and its gets really touch for me when my group is playing some where and i know it will take me around 20 minutes just to get to them naked.. Maybe when there will be vehicles in the game it will change the way we travel and loot. Also maybe when the game develops a bit more it will have more players on once server so meeting some one will not be so rare as it is now.
  11. kantsler

    too much running

    Like the Topic said, there is too much running in this game, every time i find some one on the forums to play with we have to run to each other for 30 minutes. Also most of the spawns this date (19th) are on the north east side of the coast. That means that every time we travel to places like cherno, electro, north west airport etc.. we have to travel a very long route to get there and the next thing you know, some one gets killed by a sniper and he has to spawn 30 minutes away from us once more. Nothing you can do about those snipers sitting some where hiding and sniping from 400M.. This is really a game breaker for me and some of my friends. I would offer a few ideas to fix this issue and let us have more fun and less running around. 1. Upon death player may choose a radius in which he wants to spawn http://postimg.org/image/6uynwixjb/e4c89604/ 2. Pre death state. Like the unconscious state works at the moment but for a limited time of lets say 5 minutes. A person who was shot to the chest, limbs and every other part besides the head should have a unconscious state for 5 minutes before death. This option leads to a already developed tool called the Defibrillator which can be used on the downed target to revive him. Having that will improve team play elements, make a new role for a medic to actually be a medic and not a mendicant mule and let people go on longer journeys with out waiting for one of the downed team member to run back to cherno for 40 minutes. *note* a player can be revived once every 1 hour and will have to be treated by a medic afterword for full health recovery. If not treated with antibiotics and have the bullet taken out of the body the subject will get sick of infection and die with in 2 hours. 3. "Wait for me guys I just need to hop this server for a few more times to find a weapon in the airfield and I can join you" How many have you heard this sentence before? I know I have plenty. Why do we waste precious game time and hours from our life on finding gear through server hopping. First of all most of us will agree that server hopping is totally messing up the game's idea. Instead of going and finding rare loot by scavenging and exploring new areas filled with the danger of bandits we just end up going to the same place and hopping it for a few times till we get what we need. my solution for this is to have less loot over all and the ability to find loot for each other. The current state of the inventory will not allow to carry more then 1 main weapon on your shoulder and one in your hands making you slow and unable to sprint. If people could carry weapons for each other people wouldn't have to go hardcore server jumping for a weapon. Thank you for reading, I would love to hear and ideas that will make this game more enjoyable.
  12. kantsler

    too much running

    Rockets Hiking Simulator 2014 - heh feels like it tbh :)
  13. kantsler

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    Joined a week ago and having fun since then :)
  14. kantsler

    Looking For Someone To Team Using Skype

    add me, silverslug187 me and my friend just started playing last night. Could use the company