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About jennysmith01

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    On the Coast
  1. jennysmith01


    A defibrillator is a life-saving device that gives an electric shock to the heart in case of sudden cardiac arrest in heart. The process is known as defibrillation and it can save lives. But this is not true that a dead person can become alive with this. The process of defibrillation should be started in a particular time period after SCA. Heart Defibrillator
  2. jennysmith01


    A defibrillator is mainly used for two conditions the first one is Ventricular Fibrillation and the second one is Ventricular Tachycardia. The V-Fib is a case when the when the heart is twitched and in the second case it beats too fast that is blood is moved. A defibrillator can save the life if there is electrical rhythm inside. It depends on the response rate at which time defibrillation is started after SCR. Defibrillator Suppliers