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    On the Coast
  1. Here is something that should lower the line of sight of zombies They are dead decomposing corpses, their eyes are all rotten, probably they see very badly, foggy and black and white. I'm proned and they see me as I was standing up dancing any Russian folk dance on the middle of the Atlantic, this is preposterous. Gentlemen.
  2. Ok I understand the fact that we start the game without weapons, "its a survival game! and in real life you don't start with a gun (most of us) if you want one learn to play sneaking" Ok good point there, but still doesn't mean anything, lets see here: First - Not all starting "regions/villages" are accessible to attack without a gun, and there's not always a wall to hide, and if it is, it doesn't mean that you will get it successful to use it, we all know that zombies like to run on us in diagonally and its very hard to lose them. Second - please don't compare a video game to reality, "oh this is more realistic don't cry baby", you cant compare a zombie video game survival something close to reality because guess what? there is no zombies in reality, and if they would exist, they probably didn't even had the motor skills to run without falling, and surely not be more faster then you, and don't event try to compare it scripted movies. Third - I hope this game don't get to the point that only the elder players get to play it, I don't know what the objective, but the game will attract less newer players if it stand on this starting difficulty.