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About ravejesus

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    On the Coast
  1. ravejesus

    *Self* Blood transfusion

    -1 To this idea. Blood bags should continue to be administered by other players, since it encourages team play, and is just more realistic and offers more immersion. What should be changed about the blood bags (Don't know if it has or not) is the fact that a player can not give a transfusion to someone more then once if they have not died since the first one. Have tested it several times on several mates. Teammate takes damage, give transfusion. 2 Hours later, he's down blood again but no matter how hard I try I'm not greeted with the option to heal him. I'm forced to give the blood bag to another player so they can administer it.
  2. When accessing Inventory/Loot/Backpack/Corpse with a pistol = If standing or crouching, player with take a knee and pistol will be pointed straight up. If prone, player is forced to stand up and then take a knee. When accessing Inventory/Loot/Backpack/Corpse with a rifle = If standing or crouching, player will take a knee and sling the rifle across his chest, index finger will be off the trigger. If prone, no stance change. I wouldn't mind the sound of a backpack opening. Not too loud, but not completely silent. Just adds more to the immersion in my opinion. I just wanted to point out that there are visual ques to someone checking gear, and the same for the map.
  3. ravejesus

    Suggestion - Barracade

    Then don't reference to it in the way that CoD zombies is. We're lucky we even have the tents. Personally, It's perfectly fine how it is. Clans/Server Communities already have 5+ tents in an undisclosed location that they keep watch and guard over which makes it sometimes very difficult to get any gear. It also makes it so players have to actually LOOK. If it was just in a building, all anyone would have to do is look for the random structures in the middle of nowhere to search. Adding the ability to actually hide gear inside a "Crate", inside a structure, that's also "Barricaded" would just make clans and other groups that know how to find gear even more OP, since even the tool box (Which would most likely be needed to take down the barricades) is hard enough to find. -1 for the idea. The tents are amazing for storing items and can be placed in random areas of the map for concealment, and they're also accessible which balances the mechanic out.
  4. ravejesus

    Suggestion: Hired Gun?

    "Armour to help protect." You've never played ArmA other then for DayZ I'm guessing. There's no such thing in this series of games. Also, the action itself is nice since it's kind of a rare thing to find players actually WANTING to help newbies. However, the THOUGHT of it is entirely stupid. 1. Even without a weapon, most newely spawned/joined players are going to run away from you on site. 2. "Hay Gaiz, I'm offering protuctive survuses. I totily wunt keel u." Almost NO ONE is going to believe that as an honest offering since bandits have been using that tactic since day 1. 3. The "Bandit" skins are already gone, so adding a player specific skin would be absolutely pointless for Goody Tooshoes. All that would do is make you even more of a target. "Shit, I died. Guys, I'll ask him for help, you kill him, and then I'll take his gear." You're only increasing your chances of being killed over and over again. 4. A "Morality" system for good players is as stupid as the Humanity meter for bandits. It was taken out because it served no real purpose. Another thought I had was, depending on YOUR gear, most of the players you "Help" will pick up the nearest weapon and kill you to get the goodies you have. It's happened several times to people even when we all spawned with guns. "Oh, I see you're bleeding, let me bandage you." "Thank!" "No problem." *Helping player then gets shot in the head by wounded survivor, taking his mags, his food, his backpack and gear.*
  5. ravejesus

    Suggestion - Barracade

    Wire Fencing and Sand Bags. You've successfully barricaded yourself in a building. This isn't "Call of Duty Zombie Mod". Also, it's rare, but has happened to me. If a pack of zombies "Attack" you enough outside the building, it can and will get destroyed.
  6. With that I ask, why even have it then? The whole point of the wire fencing/sand box is to block off buildings/entrances/exits. If I have a wire fencing kit, and a tool box, I can easiliy block off the only entrance to a building, cycle the gear inside it, wait for a teammate to show up, or just go afk for a bit because sometimes loading back in takes a while. I still have my tool box, so I can just take it down once I'm done. It's a smart tactic, and if you come across a building that DOES have it, your best bet is to get away from that area.
  7. Simply just "Cycling" gear. Not exploiting. This is how the bigger clans/communities get mad gear for their teams. Get about 5/10 people to lock down the Airfield during the night/day, and just cycle gear for hours. There's a few "Clans" across a few different servers who do it and have M203 M4's, SVD Dragunovs, multiple M240's, Several tents in hidden locations with car parts and even more guns in there. It's slow, repetitive, and extremely boring but does have the possibility to yield amazing loot.
  8. ravejesus

    Do intentionally dropped items despawn?

    I've dropped my pack several times when picking up another for a teammate or before I go into Hostile Territory and don't want to lose my "Good" gear. It's never despawned quickly for me. Always stays for a long time.