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Wouldn't work out in the wilderness. The security lock would require either electricity from a generator, or batteries. Battery powered I wouldn't expect it to be a very secure system and batteries would have to be changed frequently. Generator, well that'd make a bit of noise, and you'd have to regularly come back and put gas in it. In either case, it would present a few major drawbacks. 1) Having a powered or locked house will make it a beacon for people who want to get it. Mechanics for doing such would need to be implemented (Ie Kicking open the door or chopping it down with an axe 2) A Lock in the apocalypse isn't really going to stop anyone. Locks are really only a deterrent now because there are either people nearby who will see you kicking in a door, or they are tied to a security system that will alert someone if they are opened. With no society and survivors constantly having to make life or death choices about whether to kill a man for a couple cans of beans, there's nothing stopping everyone from breaking every locked door they find in the hopes that it's got something better. 3) Houses like that would likely have to be bound to a server, and it would likely have to be attached to pre-existing houses. in the mod we had tents to store our things in. Sure they were placeable anywhere but they weren't secure. You could hide them but they could be accessed. The trick to them was that they were small and didn't take up a lot of real estate on the map. A house, on the other hand will take up a good deal more space, have more polygons to process and so on, so there would have to be a limited number or they would have to utilize pre-existing locations. Essentially, a locking system would neccesitate a lockbreaking system just to be considered fair in my book. Nothing is truly safe in DayZ unless it is guarded by people, and even then it's only safe so long as the bullets last. In your defense though I think a locking system on any door in the game would be great. I just think it should be all inclusive and come with a system for breaking those locks/doors. And perhaps repairing those broken doors later on.
I Guess This Can Go Here (satellite internet question)
Westerburg replied to HopeThisWorks's topic in Technology/Programming
My Gf is able to play games like that. I've seen her roll around at 15fps desyncing and lagging to hell (We attempted to get apb to run on a shitty laptop) and not complain once about anything but getting motion sick after a couple of hours. Personally I get antsy if my fps hits 40, and get frustrated and angry at about 30-35. Ping wise my upper limit is usually 120. Anything higher than that and It really begins to affect my gameplay and stress levels. That said, getting above 30fps in dayz is a trial and I've learned to accept that much. Ping though I wouldn't trust playing an fps with a ping that high. Sure you'd be fine wandering around a quiet server, but even a zombie could be deadly at that, by the time you pull the trigger that zombie or player is going to be one second ahead of you. I find Dayz impossible to play above 200, and you really start to notice it at about 140-160. For reference, there's 1000 miliseconds in a second, so a ping average 600+ means that you pull the trigger and it takes more than a half of a second for your gun to register on the server that you fired your gun and discharges the round. If you want an idea of what it will feel like, download apb reloaded off steam (It's free), play on the furthest server from you, find an instance with a lot of people and try to drive a car. A half a second of lag will send you into the nearest building every time you turn a corner or change lanes. -
(All other Console discussion)DayZ Standalone Might See an Xbox One Version in Future
Westerburg replied to Plimax (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Actually...it's going to be almost a full year until the game is IN Beta, though that timeframe may be moved up seeing as how the Pretty much doubled the team currently working on Dayz -
So when you read the patch notes, you didn't Read ALL the patchnotes about them syncing clouds and weather on the server now instead of on the client. That solves the rain issue.
Not sure about the rest but the sounds are coming. Sales for dayz went so well they hired an external source to do all the sounds in the game all professional like
got global banned for trying to increase FPS
Westerburg replied to joaomalhao's topic in Troubleshooting
Actually, I could see how removing grass would get you banned. Since grass isn't just there to be filler, it's there to give players cover. Say you are coming to kill me, my weapon has range and yours doesn't, or doesn't have the range that ine does. If you want to get me, you're going to have to catch me off guard. Problem is, we're on opposite sides of an open field. In order to get me, or to hide form me, you have to use the grass as cover. So there you are, crawling slowly through the grass, praying I don't see you until you can kill me or escape, except I can see you the whole time. You see, I got this nice little thing that removed all the grass from my client, so that big bushy tall grass that you are sneaking through doesn't exist for me, and what I see is some poor dumb, SOB creeping across the ground at me with a pistol. He doesn't know I can see him, I shouldn't be able to see him, only the grass bending as you crawl through it. That's why you got banned. Grass is a mechanic, not filler and eye candy. You can't remove it. -
What kind of zombie system are we talking about here?
Westerburg replied to willhelm's topic in Suggestions
the best zombie stories are always the ones where you aren't really sure where it came from or how it started. Sure, we all love 28 days later and the Walking dead and I am legend, but the truely great zombie myths never really explain it away. It just happened. The living dead series, best they could come up with was 'I guess there's no more room in hell...', The Revenant, they don't even bother to ask. Warm bodies, even the zombies don't know why they are zombies, Arrr starts to go into it at the beginning of the movie and says he's not sure how it got started. You don't always need an explanation of what kicked off the apocalypse, sometimes half the fun is wild speculation and the air of 'So, the dead are coming back to life, anything can happen at this point.' -
Anyone going to KoS today and say Happy Valentines?
Westerburg replied to crazyandlazy's topic in General Discussion
i'm not firing bullets, they're love taps from an m4 -
def got fixed for me. I'm actually running slightly better than I had been in previous patches. Able to get the same framerate as I was getting before, but I've actually got things like clouds and shadows turned on, and texture settings up to normal
/facepalm You know there are going to be more maps, right? They are focusing on Chernarus because that's what people know, that's where the game started. they're adding more stuff inland and in the northern areas, as they have already done twice. The coast is where most people have always been since mod, so it was the logical place to start. You think they're just going to leave a bunch of empty towns and be done just utilizing the coast? I've seen plenty of varied terrain exploring inland. You got forest and hills and mountains and fields and bases and tons of towns if you'd bother looking around. Hidden landmarks, a frakkin castle, and a shipwreck. They don't have time to build a new map right now. Let them get the meat and the potatoes of the game finished before they have to start trying to implement things into a new map. Friggin babies, geez....why do people complain that an unfinished game isn't finished.....
Um...realism? In Chernarus? You know that Chernaraus was made from satellite images of a real place, right? So real, in fact, that some of the devs actually went there and posted real pics of the place a few onths ago on the blog.
Zombies have to yell phrases and words in Russian.
Westerburg replied to shurka's topic in Suggestions
What are these, headcrab zombies? Last thing we need is a horde of stenches shuffling around screaming 'Yeah Buddy!' -
Will this run on Kit-Kat?
Good CPU...that is the key to this game.. YOu can get by with a 5770 or higher video card, but your limiting factor is going to be your CPU. Right now DayZ is very cpu intensive. I'd go for at least 4 cores, 8 threads running at 3.8ghz or higher. The higher you can get those three things the better. People with good i7's or a good 6 core AMD seem to be the ones running everything above low or very low settings. Every patch seems to creep me an inch closer to that level, and I've been gradually able to turn on or up things I couldn't before. Also, ignore integrated graphics. It's shit, always has been and will for a good long while. a 7770m isn't going to be close to a 7770 dcu or ghz edition, hell, it's not even going to equal a low end 6000 series. Also, don't buy a laptop unless you plan on shelling out a good chunk of change. A thousand dollar laptop isn't likely going to cut it. You can either spend $1200 to have portability and playability, but it won't be that great, just passable, or you can spend $700, lose the portability and get something that's going to play well...anything at fairly respectable settings. I've said it in a dozen posts now, but I'm running a 4 year old desktop (with the exception of the video cards), and can play most games at very high/ultra settings and not drop below 45 fps. DayZ...well that's another kettle of fish, but I get around 30-55 fps depending on where I am. Here's an idea of what you can do with a 4 year old desktop and a single 7770 (Can rebuild the whole thing for about $600) This is with an old gigabyte board, a Phenom II 955 black edition cpue (4 core 3.2ghz, oc'd to 3.7ghz) 8gb of shitty ram and a single XFX 7770 ghz edition 1gb, set to factory OC settings. Recording the whole thing in native resolution of 1680X1050 in avi with mirellis action!
Why are they adding sewing machines , and not fixing the game?
Westerburg replied to FrankWhite's topic in General Discussion
In b4 stupi...awww...too late...OP, why don't you submit a bug report rather than complain about having the ability to fix your ruined clothes. I actually got enough of an fps boost that I can turn clouds and shadows back on AND record video with Action! Though I haven't gone into a major city yet so we'll see. Only downside I've found to the last patch is that all servers seem to be running on a second and a half lag, which makes trying to jump over fences really confusing. I'm glad you can't trip over them or I'd never get anything accomplished. -
How much fps should i expect on this setup?
Westerburg replied to Knoxville24's topic in Technology/Programming
your limiting factor here, like most of the rest of us, is going to be your processor. If you follow the tweaks guide, you could perform about as well as anyone. Most of my specs are below yours in terms of graphics power and ram, but those aren't going to be an issue, they aren't the issue on my rig. A quad core anything running at that speed, with tweaks can expect to get about 50-60fps out in the field, 35 in a small town, and capping around 27-30 inside a major town such as cherno and Elektro. A faster processor will help, but not really by a whole lot unless you go way over the top. Most of the people you see recording decent videos seem to be running 6-8 cores with double that many threads, and are clocking in at 4+ghz per core. With my setup and the same settings, I get the same framerate whether I'm using one xfx 7770 ghz 1gb, two of them, or the slower 2gb version. Hell, I even an old 5770 I had. my framerate was the same in all four cases. Only thing that affected my framerate as all was bumping up my cpu speed. All in all, it doesn't really matter what your overall system is for the most part. CPU is your choke point. That said, you should be able to run it as well as 90% of us. Edit: If you're running liquid cooled, there's no reason you shouldn't be oc'ing that cpu. Not sure how well that cpu overclocks, but if I can push a phenom II 955 black form 3.2 to 3.8+ on an open case and a stock fan, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to hit 4.0 at least if you put it together halfway decent. -
Zombies are supposed be just a pain in the ass. They'll be more dangerous when there are more of them, but even in the mod this game was always more about people and starvation being the danger, the zombies are there because Zombies. They are to be killed, or more often, avoided. A nusiance.
I could see some of this being added...and I mean some. Some of it is kind of out in left field. Wolves and Cougers I could buy living in Chernarous. Wolves at the very least. You have to take into account where this area is located, and make the animals accordingly. Wolves - Most areas have or have had wolves at some point. They are fairly diverse and being located in the former Soviet Union, I could totally roving packs of wolves. Cougars - Not sure if this area has cougars or mountain lions, but if it does then I'd see a couple of these lurking about the forests. Buzzards - Meh....Buzzards wouldn't be much of an issue of something to deal with as they are predominantly carrion eaters. I could see them being an issue for a player who is more than half dead having to maybe fight off the brave bird out of a group that might gather to circle overhead, but usually, a buzzard won't get close to anything living. Venomous snakes - Meh....this one is stretching it a bit. Sure there's snakes pretty much everywhere in the world, and more than a few that are venomous. There are very few spitting snakes out there, and none that I can think of off the top of my head out in the FSU. Also, a snake wouldn't attack a person unless that person stepped on it. Snakes, much like scorpions and spiders are far more likely to do everything they can to avoid a human stomping around in the woods, which is why if you are in a snake heavy area, it's recommended to stomp around and make yourself appear as some big, dangerous thing that a snake wouldn't want to mess with. You are most likely to be attacked by a snake in your sleep than you are running through the woods, and even then such a thing happens because the snake came into your sleeping bag for warmth and you woke up and freaked it. It couldn't escape and so it bit you. The snakes you would be looking for are nowhere near indigenous to the area. Spiders - I don't see a useful purpose for using up resources for a tiny, silent thing that you couldn't kill. It would be so small that on your screen it would take up maybe a tiny handful of pixels, not really even enough to register properly on a screen. Spiders in most games are oversized for this reason. Unless you are talking about huge honking frost spiders, to which my answer is an emphatic 'Hell No!' Spiders that big don't exist in real life. Using the normal sized spiders would be preferable, but that would be akin to just putting in an option for 'You randomly die for no reason'. Swarming insects - The only thing of this type I could see added would be Bees and under normal circumstances bees are fairly harmless. A bee won't attack unless it think's it is already dead, and won't kill you unless there are a lot of them. There are no roving bands of angry bees, hunting the countryside for some poor schmuck to kill themselves on. Now if you could harvest honey from like a hive somewhere (A manmade beekeeper's hive) I could see this being a thing, but they would have to add something like a smoker to placate them or some kind of bug spray. Strange though, you didn't mention bears. Bears are something I could see them adding...
There's already that system in place, or there will be. I know they've been working on tweaking the body decay time. Not sure what it is set to at the moment, I know they had for a while been considering everything from restart to an hour to 10 minutes or a half hour.
That wouldn't work...not even a little. Halfway through the post I had already discovered a major flaw in that. Here's how to get around it Player A dies Players B through...whatever move to his corpse. Player B removes his gear, has players C-whatever watch his stuff, PLayer B recovers player A's belongings Player B hops to new sever with A's things and Player A joins him on the new server Player B drops all of Player A's gear, sets up a safe meeting spot on the new server. Player A moves to meetup location, player B rejoins the rest of the group on the previous server Player B recovers his gear from the old server, is fully outfitted again. Players B-whatever hop server to join Player A and move to meetup spot Everyone has their gear again, except Server A, which is down everything the group looted while there, at least until next restart.
that's mostly because this game isn't about the zombies. Think of it more as 'The Walking Dead'. This game is about people surviving and the things they do to each other in order to survive. The zombies are just the background. An obstacle or a hinderance to be overcome in some cases, and avoided when possible. The only 'special' zombies I'd like to see have already been added to the new experimental server as of today, and that's the Military zombies being tougher to kill, which makes sense because they are wearing military gear. Only real changes after that that should be done is improve the ai slightly, increase the pop cap for them as it becomes possible down the road, and a bit more Horde-ing in high zombie population areas.
Bub only learned to shoot anyway because they were training him for months as an experiment as to weather zombies could be taught to do menial tasks. Fuck, Moses only learned to shoot after a decade or so of watching his zombie friends get shot in the face and pulling the trigger on accident once. And that was only because after years of idling in towns, zombies started to go back to doing things that were muscle memory for them, which is why he spent the beginning of the movie trying to fill cars with gas every time the bell dinged. while it's cannon in most zombie movies and books these days that the walkers recover some semblance of their lives, in almost all cases it's limited to only a very special few who were 'more alive', or otherwise takes more than a decade of continued survival of the zombie in question to relearn anything, and even then it is limited to things that the zombie in question did almost constantly while alive. If there's going to be ai shooting at us, I'd prefer it be roving bands of survivor/bandit AI as has been added in the mod, and even then I'd prefer straight up human interaction.
Le Sigh....dumb poster is the dumb. Before I start I'm going to say this, You know this game is in Alpha.As I've stated in a half a dozen posts, if you'd botheer to read anything from the devs, you'd know why there aren't many zombies. In videos where people are riding in cars...you're watching videos for the Mod, not the standalone. Vehicles haven't been added yet. As far as food, weapons, backpacks, and other goodies, you're likely going into the coastal towns, which are usually picked pretty clean since that's where everyone spawns. Move inland to have a better chance of finding things or move to a low populated server to gear up if you absolutely feel that you must. That said, I've never had any problems finding anything. I come across 2 or three backpacks an hour. Food is all over, finding something to open cans is a bit more challenging. Use a fireaxe, screwdriver, hacksaw or any sharp or pokey weapon. You'll spill some of the food, but it's better than starving. Finding a gun can be a bit more difficult. Check fire stations, air fields, barracks, refugee camps, hangers, those long storage houses, or the big metal ones. TEC buildings too sometimes. Go to dayzdb.com, it has marker locations of where you are likely to find things. As for things being clumsy, it's alpha. As for controls, check the keybindings. This game doesn't hold your hand. If it did, you would start with more than a flashlight and a battery. Play ARMA II and the mod if you want some sort of idea, or check the forums for newb guides. There's tons of them. I'm sorry that you are lazy and been coddled too much by games like BF and COD. This game is much like the apocalypse, it's a cold bitch, even more cruel at times than S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I've never had a problem finding anything. Surviving long enough to get your hands on it is another matter entirely, but I've gotten a lot better. My REg/Vet character is fully decked and armed well enough to fight off small army, with almost 2 and a half weeks of survival time under his belt. My New hardcore mode character...well...lets just say he's surviving. He may be half dead but he's survived a few days now of rampant running aimlessly with a small group of maniacs playing the game of 'How long can we survive in Cherno while playing like we don't give a fuck. WE all got fully armed in about an hour, on full servers no less, and only one of us has died in almost a week, and that was only because someone played 'I'ma run through this tree while Westerburg is playing Joaquin Phoenix in Signs with a half a dozen zombies and a fireaxe.' We laughed for a good ten minutes while he bled to death and his body slid across the outskirts of cherno with two guys chasing him and attempting to put a bandage on the poor SOB. Long story slightly less long, you're looking in the wrong towns on the wrong servers and associating the wrong videos with the wrong version of the game, not to mention not bothering to read the forums before you post. WEsterburg out....
Every spawn I've had that I've been able to find a test kit I've come up as O+
You get my beans on this one for both the suggestion AND the song. Love horrorpops. As for a zombie stance, I see something like this being a lifesaver to many a player.