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Florent (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Florent (DayZ)

  1. Florent (DayZ)

    European players

    Looking for two European players. I'm playing with a friend of mine and we're both fifteen, though we got some slight light voices. Don't come here "HAHAHA YOU SOUND LIKE A GIRL/KID" because you've all sound like that when you were at a stage in your life. Post here if you're interested.
  2. Florent (DayZ)


    Selling two antibiotics for some weaponry.
  3. Florent (DayZ)

    Debug monitor

    Bring it back!
  4. Florent (DayZ)

    If DayZ was a city

    Rio de Janeiro.
  5. I hope they REDUCE the speed of the zombies. It's unrealistic that they run, not that zombies are realistic at all, but yeah- reduce their speed.
  6. Florent (DayZ)

    easy way to boost fps

    Cheers lad!
  7. Florent (DayZ)

    Looking for some buds to play with.

    We're two norwegian players, both fifteen.
  8. WHITELIST APPLICATION Name: VB\Florent Location: Norway GUID: 0b623b4c92ec55106c5ad1f9acc1ced7c
  9. Me and a friend of mine is looking for two norwegian fellas to play with. We're both turning fifteen.