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About uncledave

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    North East England
  1. Due to migration of the Global Database and AutoUpdate server to a better datacentre a manual download of is required. Versions below will not update above.
  2. I wouldn't call this an issue with BE's banning system. Banning is sound, the problem comes from the fact a player could disconnect and another connect into their slot in the time it takes you to type out a reason. I added a check for this before my RCon was even released, except it'll just go ahead and ban the player you were originally trying to ban even if they're not on the server anymore.
  3. EPM DayZ RCon Beta 0.9 - Changed line breaks to play nice with Windows Notepad. - Added a global database of players. - Added a local database of players. - Added AutoUpdate. - Added more options. - Added auto log saving. - Upgraded settings to version 1.1, more user preferences are now remembered.
  4. Something i'm certainly considering. Perhaps not iOS, but Android sure.
  5. I assumed it would be, I also occasionally get 2 player lists merged into one, my god it's annoying.
  6. Is anyone else having trouble with BattlEye sometimes sending mangled player lists or individual players? I sometimes get something like this for a player's name: freddiem1304 32 f99e962bf9dc2f075e0a3979bde0b523(OK) Viktorr I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with my string splitting, it looks to me like it forgets a /n now and then.
  7. EPM DayZ RCon Beta 0.8.1 - Fixed mouseover scrolling. - Fixed an unhandled exception when searching for a ban before loading the list. - Added a confirmation when shutting down the server. - Added a confirmation when restarting the server. - Added the ability to (Re)load createvehicle.txt, remoteexec.txt and publicvariable.txt. - Added the ability to set maxping. - Maxping is now shown on the status strip. - Added the ability to save current log while not connected to a server. - Added the ability to toggle the automatic deletion of expired temp bans. - Fixed some bugs and unhandled exceptions in the Edit Favourites window. - Fixed tab orders. - The Add Ban window no longer prevents the user from interacting with anything else. Known Issue: Connection duplication on reconnect.
  8. EPM DayZ RCon Beta 0.8 - Fixed ban list being populated with players. - Player list now refreshes every 10 seconds (up from 5). This will be configurable in the future. - Tweaked auto-scroll behaviour. - Fixed player count not updating after the last player leaves. (For real this time.) - Added toggle-able timestamps. - Added the ability to save current log to file. - Fixed a crash when connected to a high pop server. (50+) - Added Lock & Unlock.
  9. EPM DayZ RCon Beta 0.7.1 - Fixed player count not updating after the last player leaves. - Fixed an issue caused by the player list triggering a ban list update. - Fixed an issue when attempting to copy a blank GUID. - Fixed GUIDs sometimes not being recognised. - Mouseover scrolling now plays nice when you have text selected in All/Chat/Log. - Added Reload Scripts. - Added Shutdown. - Added Restart. (Seems a tad unreliable.)
  10. EPM DayZ RCon Beta 0.7 Note: Due to a bug in the BattlEye API your server may crash if you request a ban list that contains more than 3000 bans. New in this version: - Added table of bans, search, and the ability to remove bans. - The player table no longer clears if the server sends a bad player list.
  11. +1 on the server crashing issue after the Int32 fix, must be a BE issue. Our server has a 7000+ strong list and will crash when i request the bans. Great API there BE.
  12. Current Version: (Beta) Requires .Net Framework 4 Full (Not Client Profile) Please post your bug reports/comments/discussions/feature requests on the forum. If I don't reply to you for some reason you can email me at dave@epm-gaming.co.uk Current Features: - Resizeable and easy to use Chat/Log Box with 3 tabs (All, Chat, and Log) and a search function. - Resizeable and sortable table of players. - Send global message. - Send private message to player. - Ban player with variable length. (Works even if they disconnect while you're typing your reason) - Kick player. - Add ban. - Reload bans. - Table of bans. - Remove ban. - Favourites. - DNS Support. - Shutdown. - Restart. - Reload Scripts & Events. - Log saving. - Toggle-able timestamps. - Lock & Unlock. - Get and set Max Ping. - Global database of players. - Local database of players. - Auto log saving. - AutoUpdate! Note: Versions below will not update to or above. Planned Features: - Optional database connection for private hive servers. - Notify me when someone says "!admin". (Configurable word and cooldown) Changelog: Beta 0.9 - Changed line breaks to play nice with Windows Notepad. - Added a global database of players. - Added a local database of players. - Added AutoUpdate. - Added more options. - Added auto log saving. - Upgraded settings to version 1.1, more user preferences are now remembered. Beta 0.8.1 - Fixed mouseover scrolling. - Fixed an unhandled exception when searching for a ban before loading the list. - Added a confirmation when shutting down the server. - Added a confirmation when restarting the server. - Added the ability to (Re)load createvehicle.txt, remoteexec.txt and publicvariable.txt. - Added the ability to set maxping. - Maxping is now shown on the status strip. - Added the ability to save current log while not connected to a server. - Added the ability to toggle the automatic deletion of expired temp bans. - Fixed some bugs and unhandled exceptions in the Edit Favourites window. - Fixed tab orders. - The Add Ban window no longer prevents the user from interacting with anything else. Known Issue: Connection duplication on reconnect. Beta 0.8 - Fixed ban list being populated with players. - Player list now refreshes every 10 seconds (up from 5). This will be configurable in the future. - Tweaked auto-scroll behaviour. - Fixed player count not updating after the last player leaves. (For real this time.) - Added toggle-able timestamps. - Added the ability to save current log to file. - Fixed a crash when connected to a high pop server. (50+) - Added Lock & Unlock. Beta 0.7.1 - Fixed player count not updating after the last player leaves. - Fixed an issue caused by the player list triggering a ban list update. - Fixed an issue when attempting to copy a blank GUID. - Fixed GUIDs sometimes not being recognised. - Mouseover scrolling now plays nice when you have text selected in All/Chat/Log. - Added Reload Scripts. - Added Shutdown. - Added Restart. (Seems a tad unreliable.) Beta 0.7 - Added table of bans, search, and the ability to remove bans. - The player table no longer clears if the server sends a bad player list. Beta 0.6 - First public release - Added hotkeys to "Connect to..." and "Disconnect" - Fixed player list not clearing after the last player leaves - Enabled maximize button - Cleaned up disconnection handling a bit more - stay tuned for further improvements - Dialog windows no longer show in the taskbar - More mouseover improvements - Added FAVOURITES! Thanks to: - Marcel de Vries, author of the BattleNET library.
  13. uncledave

    EPM Server new donation rules lol

    Nathkrul has not raised ANY valid concerns, nor has he commented on my justification of the donation perks. Admin bans are handed out for breaching the rules and making this thread is a step too far, not only does it not raise any good points or concerns but we have a forum for this kind of thing. If the 3 of you are getting so upset about issues that only exist within your heads then you may leave the server and nobody will care. Joining the server with a name such as "£20 month donator" and proceeding to attempt to stir up trouble will not be tolerated. As I mentioned, we have an open forum where people are encouraged to discuss the server, but I was forced to ban Nathkrul due to HIS OWN actions. He could have aired all of his concerns in a civilised manner on our forum but he did not, he made a post and proceeded directly here and did not make an effort to contact any of the admins. And as for "his voice was not heard". He hasn't been around for a week or so and has made no attempt to contact the admins about these changes, none whatsoever. So i don't know how he can come here to vent when he has nothing to vent about, especially since he was banned AFTER he made this thread.
  14. uncledave

    EPM Server new donation rules lol

    No elaboration on the "corrupt admins"? Didn't think so. Brb enjoying my full server. As I said, none of your post is true and you can't even back up what you're saying, let alone any other players on the server.
  15. uncledave

    EPM Server new donation rules lol

    None of your post is correct. And Nathkrul was nowhere near discussing. If he hates the server enough to post a thread about it being a "Money Making Scheme" in a public forum then he won't mind not playing on it. Please elaborate on "corrupt administrators" I would love to see where you're going with it. "You have the chance and the power to change things but you probably won't. This is the start of the end." Oooooh dramatic, i'm scared. Rent your own server.