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Everything posted by Panicbutton

  1. Panicbutton

    So I Noticed....(Airport Loot)

    In the mod both airfields are a death trap unless you roll in there with a merc squad or your ninja pants on. There are other area's like castles out in the woods that spawned some pretty good loot in the mod, not sure about the stand alone though.
  2. Panicbutton


    Never underestimate the power of a sleak sexy HUD for critical information in video games.
  3. Panicbutton

    My first impressions - DayZ Mod Vet

    Probably because weapons are pretty scarce right now. This behavior will surface once weapons and vehicles become more prevalent. Its always eaiser to steal than it is to earn :)
  4. Game released literally yesterday with a warning that says "THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA BUYER BEWARE" y u so dense op
  5. Panicbutton

    Loving it! Great Job!

    Nice to see the stand alone released. Plenty of work to do but at least it isn't a pipe dream anymore. Keep rocking rocket!