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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Happened to me after exiting a motorbike. Huge lag spike so I had to log back to the lobby. The game crashed trying to restart and when I get back in I get pulled into a TS channel by one of the server admins. Apparently while I was disconnected I was kicked for Hack #3.
  2. I would love to see a map based on the idea of taking a team into a city with insane amounts of zombies to extract a VIP, escape from New York style :)
  3. russellcoles@tiscali.co.uk

    Who killed me?

    I want to know who just killed me. They teleported me to them and shot me before I could react. It would make it a lot easier to report hackers to server admins etc. if we knew the name of the person who just shot us.
  4. Dayz commander misses out a couple of patches you need. Try getting arma2 patches 1.6 and 1.62 from arma2.com. I had a similar problem
  5. Try the following: Download and install patch 1.60 then 1.62 from arma2.com
  6. I have both DayZcommander and Six launcher. Whenever I launch the game by selecting a server from either one, I get stuck at wait for host. I can use esc and select a server from in game but never once have a sucessfully joined a server from either launcher. I have now been offered an opportunity to join a group on a server I cannot find from the ingame list but which is listed in both Six and dayZCommander. How do I get past the wait for host?
  7. So far I have done the following: -Installed ARMA 2 -Played ARMA2 for a bit -Installed operation arrowhead -played OA for a bit -Installed DayzCommander -Updated OA using DayzCommander -Installed DayZ using DayZCommander -Experienced the above problem trying to start DayZ by selecting a server from DayZ commander -Played more OA having seen a post somewhere saying this might help load some of the files needed -Experienced the above problem trying to start DayZ by selecting a server from DayZ commander -Bought, installed and played BAF thinking that would update all the files with BAF in the title. -Experienced the above problem trying to start DayZ by selecting a server from DayZ commander -Reinstalled everything -Experienced the above problem trying to start DayZ by selecting a server from DayZ commander -Tried starting the game from the settings menu of dayZCommander, this time I got the error window when starting the game and then when I try and select a server I get an error message at the waiting for host screen. Basically it lists all the .pbo files in the baf\addons directory saying they are not signed by a key accepted by this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys. When I click continue I get kicked off the game. Removing the files makes the game crash when started. OK, I just on a hunch tried doing multiplayer in OA. Although my version was listed as ver 1.62 it was in red as if I didn't have the correct version for all the servers. I am now patching OA manually and will hopefully have a positive result.
  8. Its every time and every server and it doesn't seem to matter how long I wait, 'wait for host' just stays there until I give up. I even tried leaving it when I went to bed, still waiting for host in the morning. My firewall doesn't seem to be the issue.
  9. I have been considering playing DayZ for a while. I finally decided to buy Arma 2 combined ops and installed it. I played it for a while to get used to it before trying DayZ. Then I downloaded Dayzcommander and used this to update Arma 2 and install Dayz. When I try and join a server I get a message saying dayz_anim required addon 'CA_Missions_BAF_Templates_SecOps'. If I click OK I then get as far as waiting for host but nothing happens. Anyone know what I have done wrong?