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Everything posted by logos

  1. IGN: Adam Location: Poland GUID: 6bc82d96515d4cb8ca9fdabe5fbe5d60 Reason: Can't be bothered with cheaters. Your server seems to have good rules & settings. And I want to play on an active server which has players there.
  2. One moar from reddit. Sry if someone post this before.
  3. It's looks like some industrial area, maybe quarry? Or I am wrong?
  4. logos

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This is annoying :(
  5. True, Please tell something about relase date, it will be before Christmas?
  6. So it will be something similar like World of Tanks? Everything is doing by server and we are getting only "pictures"? Sounds great. It will be still Battle Eye or maybe PunkBuster anticheat?
  7. Guys please read before you post something about clean interiors One caveat I forgot last time, the interiors do look very clean. Adding gore or deterioration can quickly be overdone, so we feel our first task is to create the interiors and ensure we are happy with the gameplay and quality of the basic texture work - then we will go through to add elements more authentic to the situation. Overall, we believe the experience should have a style more akin to “The Road” rather than gore for gore’s sake. When you find gore in DayZ, it will mean something and have impact. In fact, it will be most likely due to tragedy or betrayal involving a human player. This way, we believe what happens in the world matters, instead of simply adding some crashed buses and blood everywhere.
  8. logos

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    @up Great post! It cant be better described. Maybe you know this but there is a very nice website with a lot of inspirations called englishrussia. http://englishrussia.com/category/history/
  9. logos

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Items will be spawn on tables?
  10. I think more civilian backpacks like school, tourist with 4-6 slots and you have them on start (random someone get 4 slots someone 6 or 8 on spawn). That will be much harder and realistic :D More rubbish like bricks, rocks, metal parts? You can throw them and do damage to someone. Make some buldings closed? You need crowbar/multitool/picklock/and 5-10 seconds to open the doors and get in. Sport bow? Diy bombs? More Russian military weapons less American. Sorry for bad english ;)
  11. Hi! It's possible (or will be?) to get Operation Arrowhead for free with low res textures? Maybe someone have to give out one free key for OA?
  12. logos

    Operation Arrowhead

    Ah thx za info, OA in my country is about 5 times more expensive :/