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Everything posted by radivmoe

  1. radivmoe

    Usage of both hands

    earlier versions of the game had a bug where if you had an item in your hand and did an emote thing, you would balance the item on your hand. that is the banana on your finger thing. the engine was built to carry an item in your hands, not two. the UI is wrong, animations would be fucked and things would generally be more effort than it would be worth.
  2. radivmoe

    Some RP items and 'minigames'

    there was talk in a stream about cigarettes, that they would possibly reduce shock. however then they would have to do some addiction or something to not "condone" smoking in the eyes of clueless bureaucrats.
  3. radivmoe

    Usage of both hands

    do you remember the old "banana on your finger" thing? while i don't disapprove of the idea, i don't think it's reasonable with the engine and framework.
  4. radivmoe

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    i think he's not ever going to remove the 3pp option, as far as i remember that was in an AMA a while ago.
  5. radivmoe

    Sniper Rifles

    yeah, not chernarus. you prove my point.
  6. radivmoe

    Sniper Rifles

    well since i am obviously the lord and master of everything and can not be wrong, i will burn you with fire. Edit: i just realised that the internet is a terrible place and someone might not understand that this is a stupid joke, and not an insult in any way.
  7. radivmoe

    Sniper Rifles

    good point.
  8. radivmoe

    Sniper Rifles

    while that may be true, i think that dayz was set in the "armaverse", where there was the chernarus civil war. i think that was rocket's excuse for nato weaponry. but again, even if that is the case, as50s do not really fit either way. who uses 50. snipers against insurgents with little to no armour?
  9. radivmoe

    Sniper Rifles

    good point, but since op's reply is along the lines of "why not?" i did not even bother saying it. edit: oops, op actually admitted it was a terrible idea. sorry vincent
  10. radivmoe

    Sniper Rifles

    most recoil goes back into your shoulder. which means that more recoil does not magic your gun upward, it punches back into your shoulder with equal force as that of the bullet. since 50. is supposed to be able to pierce armour, said force is quite significant.
  11. radivmoe

    Sniper Rifles

    anyone with weapon experience would be able to operate an M4. anyone without specialized training would most likely break their arm trying to fire a 50. do you know how much power you're dealing with here?
  12. radivmoe

    Combat logging

    it is a community problem. if i knew of a good fix i would have posted.
  13. radivmoe

    Combat logging

    combat logging when in firefights, combat logging while saving my friend from a hold-up combat logging while i'm holding people up. do i need to go on?
  14. radivmoe

    Combat logging

    it ruins the entire experience.
  15. radivmoe

    Combat logging

    it is game breaking. and for people don't understand, that means DON'T DO IT.
  16. radivmoe

    What are your thoughts on the FNX 45?

    i think it feels weak, but that might be because of the sound. it sounds like one of the peashooters from A3.
  17. radivmoe

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    when i already have a spare post, does the magpul handguard actually make a difference, or is it just the buttstock?
  18. radivmoe

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

  19. radivmoe

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    But it said that it did not post!
  20. radivmoe

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    if you look at the stances that the still player with a raised weapon uses, it is clear that you play as someone with at least basic firearms training. probably the average hunter or something.
  21. i'll have to remember to hop on teamspeak for healing later. also if i get an O- blood character i will happily donate some blood.
  22. redesigned bikes would be amazing. i believe in bicycles!
  23. radivmoe

    Standalone suggestion with duct tape

    i personally suggested duct tape, and it has been confirmed. i was probably not the first to suggest but i did a few months ago. more uses for duct tape would be amazing though, i agree.
  24. radivmoe


    you would need a big educated crew to operate it. 24/7. it is not feasable for people in general who don't know how to run the machinery. it is a good idea, but you did not think it through.