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Luke Spencer

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Everything posted by Luke Spencer

  1. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    I've been playing Dayz for a while now and have recently been getting bored. I do all the usual stuff, except kill random people. That's no fun. So I came here and am asking you guys to give me some challenges that i should do. I can post screenshots and videos if anyone wants also.
  2. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    ok ill try that too
  3. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    the biplane backflip under 500 meters.
  4. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    i have failed your challenge....
  5. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    I guess you're right challenge accepted.
  6. Luke Spencer

    What you guys think about the new update?

    I like the new zombies. It actually means you cant just run straight through Cherno gear in 10 seconds and also expect to make it out alive.
  7. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    so i only get to have one chance at this?
  8. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    How do you infect other players?
  9. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    I did this before! Except they didn't have a home server so I didn't get banned. They were at the Cherno Church and challenged me that I alone couldn't kill them. I put a bullet right between the eyes of their leader.
  10. Luke Spencer

    Challenge me.

    Must this be in Dayz or can i do this in editor because biplanes are slightly difficult to come by.
  11. Luke Spencer

    Experienced survivors wanted!

    Ill join! I added you on skype
  12. I think it would be amazing to have an extremely large map. Where there is one global server that has every person playing the game on this one server. I realize this is close to impossible or at least extremely difficult but it would be awesome. there would be large communities working together and it would be really realistic. the map could possibly be the size of America or all of Europe. It may be a unrealistic dream but i still can hope.
  13. Luke Spencer

    Acceptable age to play?

    You say your mature, yet you still find it necessary to use "fucking" to say how mature you act....
  14. Mine is someone gave me a free chopper because they were logging off so i took it, picked up one of my friends and decided we would go loot stary. well we got there i landed the heli told him i had to make a phone call to my grandma and wish her happy birthday. well i told him to go ahead and head into town, i would meet with him in a minute. i proceed to make the phone call and i take off my headset and start talking to grandma and what i see is a bandit strollin up next to me and my heli. the bandit had an akm and i only had a double barrel with slugs... well i tell my grandma ill be right back. I start panicking and ask my friend in skype if thats him. he freaks out and starts yelling NO THATS NOT ME. so the bandit starts shooting at me with an akm and i get an extremely lucky shot and hit him and he gets knocked out. i run up to him and give him a chance to put his gun on the ground and run and he tried to shoot me again. i shoot him in the face and get an akm without a scratch on me. So what is your luckiest moment in dayz?
  15. Luke Spencer

    Strange and mysterious goings-on!

    Just found two heli crash sites within sight of each other.. spooky....