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About youyoyo27

  • Rank
  1. Come check it out, great FPS, great admins, No abuse, loads of fun! Custom Outposts NWAF Outpost Skalisty Outpost
  2. Just bought the Infistar antihack, was wondering why wont it work, get kicked right when I join by restriction 0. RPT When I am kicked 19:37:39 "infiSTAR.de Player-Log: Michael Ferdinand(UID) - 0h 01min | ******ADMIN******" 19:37:48 "STARTING LOGIN: ["UID",B 1-1-A:1 (Michael Ferdinand) REMOTE]" 19:37:48 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "UID" Michael Ferdinand" 19:37:48 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:1 (Michael Ferdinand) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ" 19:37:48 Server: Object 4:7 not found (message 70) 19:37:48 Server: Object 4:6 not found (message 89) 19:37:49 "ERROR: server_playerSync: Cannot Sync Player Michael Ferdinand [1]. Position in debug! [-18709.8,25924,0.00167847]" 19:37:50 "get: STRING (UID), sent: STRING (UID)" 19:37:50 "Player UID#UID CID#1 PID#4(Michael Ferdinand) as Survivor2_DZ, logged off at Solnichniy [135:93]" 19:37:50 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found 19:37:50 Client: Remote object 4:4 not found
  3. youyoyo27

    Private or Public hive.

    Ok, thanks any public hives you play on? I could join that one if you do.
  4. How do I tell if it is public hive?
  5. youyoyo27

    need a helicopter

    Sounds fishy...
  6. youyoyo27

    How do you get to the NW Airfield?

    I actually have a bud who got a car today, me and him are gonna head over to Komarovo and go on up Vybor, hide our car and go check out the Airfield as we speak ill say how it goes. : )
  7. youyoyo27


    I will play with you if Biostudio will give me a new key. Mine got stolen somehow and now i just have to wait for their email. Ill tell you how it goes.