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tuxman (DayZ)

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About tuxman (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. tuxman (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I don't get half these arguments. If first person was required, no one would use cheap third person tactics, hence forcing everyone to rely on first person view. If first person was required, everyone would be using it, hence eliminating the cheap tactic. The truth is it is a cheap tactic. But Dayz is full of cheap tactics. There are so many ways to kill someone the only way to be safe is to not be on the receiving end. One of my favorite parts of Dayz is that the playing field is not even. You have a gun and they don't. You have a sniper, they have a shotgun. I find the cheap tactics annoying, but they wouldn't make a diffrence, because that crucial factor ends up usually deciding the outcome, regardless of the tactics they use. This shouldn't be an issue that concerns the developers until the rest of Dayz is very, very good. It isn't your standard pvp game, nor should it be. That being said, less cheap tactics are better. With the choice I would use a server that didn't give you the option. I prefer first person anyway, so go figure. As far as the other expert stuff, I think that should be the norm anyway. Anything less is inferior.
  2. I'd like to see 1. In depth character customization. Both genders, body type, clothing (some choices, anyway), faces. Something to make me feel more attached to my character. Also, optionally, a randomization for people who die alot or don't care. Not on the level of the Sims, but maybe on the TES or fallout level of customization. 2. Players working together to make a place safe. I like the idea of civilization rebuilding or staying in chaos all based on how the players decide to act. This would mean players carting each other around in vehicles, dealing with zombies as a group, and fortifying places as a team. Groups should be able to clear areas of zombies and those areas should stay clear for large periods of time. Perhaps you clear out a small village and those zombies won't spawn again for 48 hours. That gives you time to set up shop over two play sessions (assuming you play once a day) before you have to clear them out again. It makes it more realistic (zombies should not spontaneously come into existence). Of course, the number of zombies would need to go up to make this harder. They would need to be more wily, and work together if possible. And on the subject of setting up shop, you should be able to fortify in ways more practical than sandbags and barbed wire. I mean board up the windows on a house, barricading the door, setting up a lock (only players with the key can unlock) or a bolt (only players inside can unlock), or both, reinforcing the structure, putting up lights, having storage cabinets or storing supplies on tables. And then of course these fortifications need to stick around for a good amount of time. Zombies should be able to bust in doors, break boarded windows, and so should players. There are so many things that could work. 3. More roleplaying elements. The map should forge a narrative. Players should be able to record things in a journal that those that meet them could read. Radios should function like radios. They have ranges, but the Chernarus Radio Tower can broadcast much farther ("This is Three Dog, ow! And you're listening to Chernarus News Radio..."). More types of food. Hygene. Beds (perhaps a bonus for logging out on one). Realistic medical system. Direct communication only. Storage systems that make more sense. Gestures. More types of clothing than camo clothes and ghillie suits.