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About Strahltheim

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    On the Coast
  1. Strahltheim

    Improved surrender animation

    This is something that would be awesome to see. I was thinking about ways to implement this better without leaving the robbed players completely helpless. Perhaps a player who is surrendering (kneeling down with hands on their head) opens up 2 new options for the robber, which involves smacking them around the head with your weapon. The first is an option to knock them, leaving the victim dazed (think when you are really low on blood and the screen is hazy and wobbles) but doesn't do much damage. This could be useful if you find the victim has no useful equipment and you just want to quickly disappear around a corner, or if they don't give in to your demands and you want to persuade them to give up their equipment. The second option, however, is a full-on smack round the head. This leaves the victim temporarily unconscious but gives the bandit more time to loot their body and escape, or leave them behind as a distraction for some zombies. The idea behind these options would be to give the bandit a non-lethal way to rob victims (without having to fire a shot and make loads of noise) but also leave the victim in a position to recover quickly and without setting them right back to basics.