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About Hvar

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. a hacker just teleportet everyone to the same location.. i logged out right away, but im not sure if i survived. you should check it out edit.. Fr 129 btw
  2. like i said. I moved gear from the ural truck to a camping tent. Taking from the truck to my backpack and from my backpack to my tent. I was gona carry one grenade in my inventory and hide the rest in my camping tent since tent's are harder to find then a big Ural truck. Like i said, i can give you the cordinates to were my tent is and where i hide the ural truck. The truck still had alot of ammo inside when i hide it. I hide it well so i belive it is still on the same place. Can you please link me to were you want me to make a new tread? Thanks
  3. I found a Ural full of grenades and different ammo. I moved as much i could into a camping tent in case someone found the Ural. If you like i can take you to both the Ural and the tent!
  4. Hi. I got banned again after last restart. Can you please fix it again?
  5. Thank you for the fast replay. I am looking forward to play on your server again :)
  6. Hi. I have been playing on FR 129 server lately but when i tryed to join last night i got a message that i have been banned! I have never cheated in any game what so ever, and i am pretty new to dayz. Im not sure what i have done wrong. I think that it might be because i logged out in a PVP, but i dont think its fair that i get banned. I was inside one of the residental building right next to the hospital in cherno when i heard someone coming up the stairs. I laid down and waited for the guy to come up to the apartment i was in. When the guy came i empty a whole m14 clip in his back, whitout him dying. I know i hit him several times because of the blod and the fact that he was about 5m away from me. After firing 20 m14 rounds in his back he just turns around and start shothing his PDW. I hide behind a wall and logg out, 100% sure that he is a cheater. Like i said, im pretty new to dayz and have only playd for a few weeks and i know that i should not logg out in PVP, but when stuff like this happends i dont think i did anything wrong. If so, i think a ban is pretty hard penalty and a warning or something would have done the job. Please replay to this and tell me what is going on. I really enjoyed this server and i would love an explenation on what really happend. Hvar