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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. different people, different tastes. Whats the point in having abundance of loot + respawn of loot? Just rename it in Costal WarfareZ. Scarcity is a core feature in a mature survival setting for me, it ups the difficulty, creates tension and lets you get better connected with the game world, cause you "feel" more in touch with your character, it hurts more when you die. The scarcity of ressources should be as dangerous as the unknown stranger with a gun you just spotted. Everything else would be just child's play. I still hope they will pull through with the promises of the past, hardcore difficulty, scarce food/ammo sources. It should feel like hitting the lottery when finding 10 bullets for your gun.
  2. Yeah, i read everything, not just one sentence. Dialing in the balance for non perishable food......Currently, the highest....etc. So,if they wanna make survival more hard there is no way around the fact that canned food is too abundant. We will see.
  3. bingo! same for me, but i will be more a nomad on the move, trying to find the camps of others ;) I don't know if they manage to tone down the spawn rate of food for the stable release....we will see. The tears will be plentiful nontheless, cause there are people who manage to starve even in the current version where canned food is in nearly every house. Also the "pew pew military loot is everything" crowd will have to say goodbye to the guard house loot explostions.
  4. i agree, most fun i had was the first implementation of .55....hardcore scarcity and hardcore infected ;) the status report mentioned they tinker with the loot distribution of canned food etc. hopefully they will make some less popular choices and tone down the spawn rate. pardon, but where is the connection between infected and food?
  5. i am also pretty amazed by .58, love the animal herds. I found some doe herd yesterday, 3 animals between novy and stary at a water bank. Shot one, the other 2 ran away and i stalked them through the woods. Great stuff. Loot distribution seems to work really well compared to previous versions, haven't found a loot explosion once. But the balance is off, canned food is too abundant. In nearly every house is just too much. You can survive with canned food alone, hope they tone it down. Also, hopefully greater numbers of infected will return soon. This will be the "first" stable patch where we will see some damn fine tent camps etc. I found a few camps up north, full of gear. It shifts the conflict potential also into more exciting forms....away from military compounds, to player/clan tent camps. Scout for camps, prepare raid etc. I love it. Persistence could also fuel some trading events like "Bartertown" on the Oldschool Server, for example. Imagine persistence with scarcity of canned food and ammo. This could lead to some trade scenarios, like the "survivalist" trades his leather and food for some ammo with the "scavenger". I know, most of the player base is not interested in interactions like this, but you can dream right ;)
  6. thats not the point...you shouldn't have to "roleplay" scarcity of ressources...i remember the first implementation of .55, people were dropping like flies because of hunger. Everybody hated it, i loved it. Currently CLE is getting better, but its far from done. i think it should feel like hitting a jackpot, when you find some ammo or canned food. We will see how they continue to balance the game.
  7. after playing a few days on exp i got to say survival is still pretty easy. i know, not priority to get any kind of balance, CLE needs to get tweaked etc. Canned food is still plenty available, even with persistence on, combined with the fact that they slowed down hunger and thirst degradation, its sprinting galore time. We will see what the future brings, but hunger & scarcity should be a major enemy in this setting too, not only bored full military equipped players. Edit: Also persistence seemed to work for me, i placed a gun + ammo in the woods, returned 2 RL days later, the gun was still there. I also have found a few player camps full of loot. Can't wait till the get the loot explosions sorted out & persistence fully working.
  8. They "disabled" zombies for .57 to work on performance issues...server lag etc...until we get rid of the legacy placeholder loot system for good, survival will always be easy. We need to wait for the return of persistence. Right now its loot, loot, pew, pew = kindergarden candyland gameplay. Can't wait for the next experimental.
  9. @randomspawn exactly. I acknowledge the fact that testing items/guns is easier if they throw them at you, but its not worth it if it negates all the other features of the game. Damage/accuracy adjustments can be made pretty easy i guess, but the real beast is the CLE with persistence enabled. Besides what can you really test when everybody is running around in full military gear? We had ONE drought with the implementation of the first .55 patch, the rest of the development has been an overabundance of loot anyways.
  10. i think thats the wrong way, why play with false cards? No need to consider the "less-patient" crowd. Those who hate the survival/scarcity part will complain anyways. No need to throw AKs after every character. It would be better to continue to tweak CLE, enable Persistence and TEST the living hell out of it. Incorporate scarcity like planned, to test and flesh out survival mechanics etc. The game doesn't become magically unplayable or PvP unfriendly because you aren't geared up in 30 min.
  11. This has nothing to do with being elitist...everyone has a life outside of gaming (work, girlfriend/wife, etc.) nothing special about it. so why even bring it up? If you don't have enough time available, then don't spend it. No need to cater to a "i have 30 min to play, i wanna own" crowd. 90 % of the market is casual friendly bullshit anyways, so why try to make everything streamlined easy bullshit? Especially when there are other "survival" multiplayer games which have the casual shooter crowd as a target audience, where the survival aspect is kept at a minimum. This is the only multiplayer survival title which strives to be more in this aspect(harder, more demanding, etc).
  12. you can't eliminate kos. In every pvp setting there will be kos, thats not the point here. Right now there is a gun/ammo/food/water in nearly every house. There is no need for survival mechanics. Loot galore = boring. Ruthless apocalypse where you fight hunger/thirst/people = yay Can't wait for the re-implementation of persistence...the current version is boring as hell, very very easy, casual gameplay.
  13. -FPS wise, the game is still not optimized, they work on server lag, thats why you will not find any zombies (maybe just a few). -currently no new exp version available, only stable .57 -i find multiple 1st person servers, no problem here. The vast majority are 3rd person, as always. -There are definetely animals there, but it seems they reduced the spawn rate even more. We will have to see. -hunter backbacks are in, found mine in the first deer stand i checked. (=lucky), batteries seem to be very rare. So, .57 in a nutshell: A lot of loot (food, water, guns, ammo), slower degradation of thirst and hunger, no zombies CLE still doesn't work properly, a lot of people love .57 for the loots galore, easy pvp. The survival factor is at zero points currently.
  14. renpab80@gmail.com

    Model 70

    check deer stands, farms etc., i found most of the winchester ammo in deer stands.
  15. The current state of dayz .57 is that of an easy going, loot is everywhere, pew pew arcade game. Canned food is everywhere, water bottles are everywhere, combine this with the new slow degradation of hunger and thirst, and you can put nearly unlimited sprinting on the list. Nearly zero zombies, and you have the coastal pew pew lovers dream version. hopefully the re-implementation of persistence will change that, cause after about 30 min. i get bored and log out, because of the easy/loot is everywhere vibe. .57 is candydreamland in greece, not Chernarus. PS: but i love the additional survial tools they implemented, and the changes to cooking and bow/fishing pole building.
  16. i think the accelerated time provides the best compromise, next step: force a gamma setting so nobody can crank it up to have an unfair advantage.
  17. yeah, i don't know why, but it seems like the last exp patch deactivated zombies and animals. Its barren.
  18. Thats a very simple minded view on it. Whats the goal in sandbox game? you create one...What i am looking forward to, is a ruthless survival multiplayer game where high risk PvP is part of the deal. I am looking forward to camps, clans/tribes/lone wolves thrown together in a melting pot of ressource scarcity. Fleshed out survival mechanics, territorial warfare, raiders, traders, clan politics, where ressources play a very high role in gameplay, not only guns. What i don't like is what dayz was in the past, spawn cheating to get a good position, to run to the nearest military outpost, to be geared up in 30 min, so you can start to shoot people. Thats just a waste of potential for my taste. And Dayz is clearly NO Ego-Shooter, yeah, you can play it as one, but there are hundreds of titles out there, which would better fit that role.
  19. well said ! adapt or die
  20. Well, currently in .56 the bow, crossbow and fishing pole work. Fishing works really well, cutting up a fish works again. 2 fish filets, 1 pile of guts. Combine this with the fact that you can craft a hand drill to make fire (wooden stick + oak bark), and that you now can cook your meat with an ashwood stick over fire, you are pretty set for some easy survivin. I use fishing, trapping and hunting in .56, no need for canned food.
  21. killing yourself to get a good spawn and running off to the next military outpost to be geared up in 30 min isn't good gameplay either. Hunt, farm, fish, use traps = prosper. Depend on canned food = die
  22. do you find the flaw in what you have written? no? here is the answer: hunting, fishing, trapping, farming, fruit picking. Stop depending on canned food. I never died of starvation, and no, i also didn't have to pick apples for 30 min.
  23. 1st person private server is the way to go for me, no server hopping, no easy way out. Adapt & survive... or die.
  24. Exactly, farmers, hunters, fishermen. Tent camps, some farm some go out to scavenge, trade for ressources/raids on camps for ressources etc. Nobody forces anyone to farm, you can still kill fresh spawns at the coast and cut em up for some meat. The feature buffet just gets richer, Ressources, not only weapons & ammo, become more important.
  25. We are running in circles here...this isn't about farmville crap, this isn't a war on PvP. Again, Dayz IS or will be a feature rich hardcore survival PvP game. Thats what they are trying to achieve. They want to mix features together, not just click the left mb to shoot. Loot is broken, canned food in every house isn't the answer. The ideal dayz for me: Clan/tribes/lone wolfs in a melting pot of ressource scarcity, not just running to the next military outpost.