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Everything posted by Silvertorch5

  1. Hello! i was recently playing on a private hive server and i was admin banned for hacking supposidly, i found the following vehicles, a ural (civilian) a offroad, and a regular truck ( covered) i took the ural and found the other two cars (mentioned above) and both these cars were full of stuff, now i understanded that this loot in both vehicles were spawned in, i did some research and non of the stuff was illegal, just spawned in. i took all the loot and stuffed it all in the ural and then i drove off and a couple of minutes later i get admin ban, he problably thought i spawned that stuff in sadly the server i was on has been frequently hacked every now and then so i understand if he mistook me for a hacker (note: i never have hacked and i will never hack. its really stupid and disrupts the game) in-game name : Silver server name : dayz chenarus and you know it gaming(rape dungen - (utc +5) server 2 max vehicles and someother descriptons lol Server : private hive ip: location of vehicles : i will disclose this if nessesary haha (just incase someone uses the same server, cant give out my base, or i would lose all my cans of beans haha) :beans: any other info i will give at request :thumbsup: i hope this will get resolved soon! i love that server haha
  2. alright then ill try to somehow find a way to contact them! haha thanks Thanks all of you! i got this resolved so beans for all of you! admins close this thread please :D
  3. well thats what caught my eye lol, its full of bandits, and i love me some tasty bandits haha