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About FrillyDeath

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    On the Coast
  1. FrillyDeath

    DayZ Error Data File Too Short (Resolved)

    Nevermind, i fixed it myself just by reinstalling the latest DayZ and Arma 2 patches through the install tab in DayZ Commander, hope everyone else has better luck!!
  2. Okay guys, i had the same exact error and was very frustrated that nothing seemed to work, and most of the threads that are being posted that need help aren't being replied to. What I did was go into my DayZ Commander and reinstalled the Arma 2 and DayZ patches through the install tab and it worked like a charm for me. I was able to play on the servers and I was so happy! Anyways just trying to help fellow DayZ players, try this out, it's worth a try if it worked for me!!
  3. Okay so I downloaded DayZ and Arma 2 OA a long time back, probably close to when DayZ first came out. I've played it many times throughout this time and love it, however recently I've had a problem. I have DayZ Commander and have played on it just fine and downloaded all the recent software, but when I go to play on one of the servers it gives me an error "Data file too short 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 operation Arrowhead\@DayZ\addons\dayz_sfx.pbo'. Expected 32661096 B, got 29325999 B" Then it won't let me play. I googled this problem and someone said: "1. exit STEAM client 2. start STEAM client via 'run as Administrator' 3. select A2: OA in games list by left mouse button 4. right mouse button > menu > choose 'Properties' 5. chooce 'Local Files' tab 6. choose 'Verify Integrity File Cache' 7. wait till it's done" I did this and it told me two files needed to be aquired or something along those lines. I know the whole game isn't corrupted cause I've played it just fine many times in the past, this is a recent problem. Anyone have this same problem and know how to fix it?