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Everything posted by Ovation

  1. Sorry voodoo for having to hold in there till your new pc is ready. I cannot wait for next week "hunch" Guys without seeing the population in-game we will not really fully understand the reasons for why we have that number, i personally think it makes sense and will be a fine number. lets wait and see
  2. ^ Dry as the Sahara desert
  3. Ovation

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    VAC + server-side + a game where when you die you have to re-gear up slowly? hacking sounds like it will be more annoying then gratifying in the standalone if they can't insta kill/teleport/spawn gear then whats the point? i don't think many of the average 13yr old hackers will even bother. Oh and they have already said View distance will be server-side locked so they can only smell infront of there noise
  4. Ovation

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    The architectural changes to the engine mean all request run through a domain server, if the server accepts the requests it will send the required information back, if it denies, the program closes or lags determining the VACs process check There are possible hacks yes, like aim bots witch will be the worse Speed hacks bots in general little things like that. But bear in mind these people will be easily banned and "hopefully" little kiddies wont watch youtube videos telling them "free AS50 bot" thus giving free keys away to real hackers.. because of risk of there steam accounts. god i love rocket for using steam also <3
  5. No. not initially they are focusing on Making the foundation of standalone very hard to hack, witch in turn makes modding not possible for awhile so i would not be expecting an editor, though the future holds many great ideas.
  6. It will be released this month "the test" that's a prediction, but as-long as there is no unforeseeable problem they are almost ready my best guess is there still getting weapons as entities sorted out first.
  7. The way i see in game communication Direct chat, vehicle chat. A MUST no side chat no other voice communication. Global typing you can turn in on or off. and of course type in direct No other type of in-game voice period.
  8. You never even know if zeds will be in there guys "maybe mods do" Hopefully though!
  9. Sounds like testing is starting very soon. He said other then the holes that will show up from the architecture test, as of right now it's a "success" guys they know more about the new map then we do, What a good number is?, rocket for one is a survivor and if 150 is good to him then i imagine it works, think about it all buildings in every town are lootable now..
  10. Good comments here Rocket :We're down to the last few things to fix before the first test servers pop online and we run the first full servers. Slowly we'll hand out the first keys and get a few servers running. Then we will reassess. It could go really well and we open up quickly, or it could go badly. Don't expect the tech test to be fun, or very pretty. It's a tech test, any game design that makes it into that will be a bonus. Also : Nope, not yet. We've only really started on item art asset development recently, as we just confirmed all our desired item architectural changes are possible. ALSO THERE RUNNING INITIALLY AT 150 PLAYERS! Very good progress cannot wait to see the looting/clothing/bag mechanics! even just l seeing the new animation! GAH screeeching like a JB fan
  11. maybe if you are both dead you can spawn together. i think that works without a negative
  12. little things i would like Example, Picking up bricks to throw, air rifles from a kids room, even small rock throwing for distraction purposes, Pitchfork, horse shoe, kitchen knife throwing, i would even like it if weapons if not cleaned can "small chance" backfire.. little items to spice up situation for the low gear survivor
  13. Ovation

    Looting locked home Pro/cons

    In the SA, this idea has been suggested, i imagine it would be like you can find pick-locking tools to aid in quite access to these houses. Also it should be possible to "brake down/Smash window" but that would cause a loud noise. *Edit* "did not read your full post" you explain it very much like how i would imagine it
  14. Ovation

    is there a risk...

    As long as you use separate steam accounts then no there is no problem with ips i have played at another house before, i don't see why not :)
  15. Well guys, that is who Matt and the team are looking for, the guys who helped start it all if it's truly him then i think this thread is perfectly acceptable hope you record some footage if you do! :)
  16. So from what it looks like in the tumbler, the new character models are more similar to Arma III then i expected, if they are some similar form of models then i would assume there animation are alike here a video of the animation in arma III I am interested on what people would expect from the animations in Standalone for the future? "not just for release" What i personally would one day like is the same crawling mechanic in Arma III seem at 0:41 he is able to lean from side to side, "almost like he's dead witch would be an awesome "Fake death" he can also sit backwards witch looks bad-ass.
  17. ^ great thoughts, could go into talking about those things in full. Since you did the honers of writing all that yourself i will say what i agree with 100% (Field hospital re-spawn!) a fantastic idea!, good substitute for team players but i am afraid of campers in hospitals. "an idea" perhaps the defibrillator or another item required for such re-pawns is not located in hospitals? so they cannot do it over and over again. Safe zone spawns..Now this is not 100% for me, but variety in spawning location should come to spawning in forests also. "close to coast" so that you are still at the starting coast area, but much harder to be camped as you have more opertunity to spread out
  18. Here is my wiki ;P The ovation (Latin: ovatio) was a lower form of the Roman triumph. Ovations were granted, when war was not declared between enemies on the level of states, when an enemy was considered basely inferior. Slaves, Pirates, or Bandits) Ovation's are granted when the general conflict was resolved with little to no bloodshed or danger to himself/army
  19. Ovation

    Standalone character animations!

    I agree that the sprinting animations are some what silly, it's all the others i can see imported to standalone
  20. Ovation

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Congratulations, i hope they can see there family, great progress!
  21. Wow guys, the last page of people's idea have had great critical thought and input. wish the forums had more like you ^.^ I also agree with seraphine Night-light should be somewhat more visual, Given restrictions of view distance an such, it still should keep you blind but to a degree of spacial awareness. For the nightvision i think it should be very rare also, and require batteries
  22. in standalone nearly all buildings will be enter-able, making loot much more wide spread, i would suggest finding a lone house out on a farm or somthing. thats my plan anywho
  23. Ovation

    help with my build!?!?

    Well you would only want one card then, as two cards half the bandwidth between eachother. i would suggest talking to a computer technician who can give you good advise of the appropriate MB, as there are factor's that increase the MB's performance with other components of the machine
  24. Ovation

    Gaming News; DayZ On Xbox360

    Don't expect something like that, maybe later in development if at all.