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About lnzu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ha, funny story -- I post this thread in the morning and the admins already renamed their server. :) Now it's called "The Walking Dead EU"... I wonder if their intentions are to hide? That's clever. :) IP is the same.
  2. We will, no doubt there. :) I just don't want other people to waste their time with these guys. I'm glad they've shown their true nature before I got level 3 house, that would be not cool.
  3. Greetings, Me and my buddies recently (a week ago) joined this new server, loldiggers something ( The majority of players there are Russians and Germans. I'm from the east block. :) After several days I've received a threat from one of the local admins (named Pjod), he told me to stop stealing his vehicles or I get banned. I had nothing to do with his loss, he chose me since I was the only one from Ru community there who could speak decent english. So I told him that since i didn't take his cars he should leave me alone, and let me enjoy the game. Frankly I was surprised by such arrogant approach... So, where were we... Ah. This guy Pjod contacts me and tells me to talk to ALL Russian players on the server and tell them not to take admins vehicles or we ALL be banned. I refused, telling him I'm not there to serve as his personal translator and emissary. Guess what -- second later I got kicked (have it on fraps). Ok i think, so what -- one of the admins is infantile dude with anger management problems (two days before he and his buddy (also admin named Grave) were hunting for newlyborns in Etanovsk. See for yourself -- two fully equipped admins with top sniper rifles, shooting capes at the spawn point, classy right?) I can deal with that. But the story of angry admins who can't play fair continued. Next time i'm on server, one of my buddies (along with couple of other players) was banned by another admin (Insaneety). I asked admin why, and he told me that the guy was banned for stealing admin's vehicles. I personally think that banning people for stealing your stuff (which is part of DayZ) is not cool at all, but I guess it's admins right to ban people for whatever they see fit, as long as the ban is for their server only. Anyway, my friend was accused of stealing, I asked admin why does he think it's him, if he does have any proof? He didn't. After we talked a while, I finally got the truth from him (have everything on Fraps) -- he didn't like that the server became more popular, a lot of new people joined, and his vehicles began to disappear from time to time. Since more than a half of newcomers were Russians, he decided to ban people based on their nationality, because he though it will keep his precious URALs safe. Not my words, his -- "the plan was to ban all Russian players". Again -- have everything on Fraps, see screen below. After I told him I think it's childish and injust, and I don't want to play on server with such hypocritical rules I got banned as well. So that's the little story of infantile admins who have opened a server with free access, and then were banning people based on illusive assumptions and their nationality. Beware. I'm not mad, it's a game and there are a lot of servers with adequate admins, we'll find another one. But I'm disappointed, yes. What I can't tolerate is admins abusing their power and being nationalistic. Why do I write this -- I just want people to know about double standards system of local admins. Don't join this server if you want a long term fair play. Local admins want only docile players who don't touch their vehicles and let admins kill capes at spawning grounds. Would you have the urge to visit them and take couple of helis though -- be my guest, I wouldn't say their base is positioned very clever, so you will easily find it. :) Have a nice play on another server and avoid arrogant admins, Lnzu out.
  4. lnzu

    Cheater on RU 62 SPB

    I could. But first I wanted to see how long he will be doing it, how vile he is. He turned out to be pretty mean. :) Plus I was trying to talk to him, know what is his name (I have some friends in his native town, the name of which slipped his tongue earlier). I introduced myself, but he was too of a coward to tell me his. So I said that he is not only a jerk but also a coward. Then I left. (after he teleported me beyond the map, hoping I will run all the way back, but i just respawned).
  5. Hi, I have a cheater to report. Our group met him at RU 62 SPB. Name "Mipnbli". Illegal actions -- teleporting players to himself and killing them (me and my friends), spawning boxes with loot (one of these where there is a LOT of stuff), teleporting vehicles, teleporting to players and killing them. I was checking how long he is gonna TP and kill us it lasted for 30 minutes, when we respawned, he was TPing us and kill again. I was there, couple of my friends were killed several times, they can back my words up. Added: Regarding the time it happened -- same as this post. 09.12.2012, around 2:00-2:45AM by this forum timezone.