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Everything posted by novasoal

  1. Same here. I was having problems with my dayz, so i got dayz commander, which btw if anyone doesn't know is really fast and good because you can friend people and favorite servers, so i advise checking it out. I checked out the update thing, and my arma 2 was out of date. so i updated that, and i'm in the middle of checking my file integrity After checking it for arma 2 oa, i tried starting up dayz, and i got a new error code, instead of the, "you were kicked off the game" message. This time, i got "bad serial number given in setup" before I even get to the player list. also, thinking back, me and my friend went on a server, and we saw vehicles raining everywhere, so we picked 2 bikes and started riding. There was everything, even boats bouncing around on the ground. we found this guy on the way to stary and he was in a jeep, and he stopped and got out to talk to us, but we had a horde of zombies chasing us, so we got off the bikes and stole the jeep. i did some inventory management with the stuff in the car, and my friend was playing sheep golf, where you hit a sheep and it goes flying. we hit one, and got tp'd really far north west into the mountains where there was this guy saying something along the lines of "put down your gun" we had taken some guns stored in the car, and we killed him. I took a m4, I THINK, and then after he killed my friend and i killed him, i started looting him. he had a heavy machine gun, and some other stuff. i left the gun and taken some other stuff.I just thought of that and now i'm thinking that i took a hacked item on accident, and i am being unfairly banned for it. Can someone please help? I don't even have it any more, because i got sniped and killed. BTW, the reason i didn't leave when i saw the spawning vehicles, is because neither my friend or i had ever been on a hi vehicle spawn server, and that was one of the tags, so we thought it was OK. everything is updated, i checked on my dayz commander, all say latest version.