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Everything posted by xStormSoulx

  1. Hello ladies and gents! I am a few of my supporters are going to be hosting a 40 man free for all with the final one standing to receive a cash prize payable through paypal. The game will be played on my server in North America, the map chosen will be up to the ones who sign up and voted for it. The date will be emailed out to everybody who signs up for the event, if you are interested in participating in this event please email me at fmyw2012@yahoo.com with your player name, how long you have played and where you are from. TEAMS remember that only one person can be left standing so if you are playing with a team you will have to decide who will win the final payout. Cash Prize is 50 USD (I know it isn't much but when else are you going to make 50USD playing DayZ) Thank You, StormSoul