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Everything posted by Artis12391

  1. Artis12391

    DayZ Hero Montage/Compilation Video

    Sorry, not funny at all.
  2. Artis12391

    Looking for Dayz Origins Group/Clan

    I could play with you. I'm also playing only Origins, I've got some expirience in it, never been to Sector B or so though. I'm not from UK, although I've been speaking / playing with people from UK, I can speak english normally, so we would understand eachother. I can fit your playstyle, so ye, I can also be a bandit and so. Hit me up here, or on skype - artis12391
  3. Artis12391

    Looking for a group.

    Alright, so, I'm back to DayZ, and I'd like few more people to play DayZ Origins ( and ONLY Origins.). If you wish to play with me, add me on skype, artis12391 . There is no age requirements or anything, aslong as you are mature, and you don't have squeaky voice.
  4. Heya. I'm Artis, in-game name is Pogis, and I prefer being called Pogis. I'm 14 years old and I'm from Latvia. I am looking for a group, or a clan, not a big one though, to roll with on DayZ origins or DayZ Breaking Point (I prefer this one!). I understand and know english kinda good, I've got a mic, mumble, teamspeak, skype and ventrilo. I ain't gonna be so hard on these requirements, I don't care where you guys are from, how old are you guys, I just want a group/clan to roll with.. Reply to this topic, or skype me : artis12391 See ya!
  5. This deserves a bump.
  6. So, hey there. I'm Artis, and I'm from Latvia. I am looking for someone to play DayZ with, age doesn't matter, aslong as you are mature, and don't fool / troll around. Nor does the location, timezone matter. I am looking for PEOPLE to play with, NOT clans/groups. I hate playing with clans/groups, its just not that. I'd love if I could find two or three more persons like me, wanting to have some fun in DayZ. I can install any mod you like, I'd personally prefer Origins or something like that. If you're up for it, hit me up on skype - artis12391, or reply to this topic.
  7. Artis12391


    So, hey guys, I'm new on the forum, as you see, also kind of new to DayZ. Not saying that I'm a complete newb and don't know how to do stuff. I hate playing solo, so I would like to play together with someone. Doesn't matter how old are you, you may be with a clan or something, I just want someone to play DayZ ORIGINS with. So if you're up for playing, hit me up on skype : artis12391
  8. Artis12391

    Looking for Friends *DayZ Origins*

    Oh dude, no. "Well, taking into account that kids inability to listen and understand the severity of the situation we were in. And his lack luster knowledge of the game, along with his arrogant attitude..." You can't be serious right here. You say that you are looking for FRIENDS on origins, so I responded to you. PvtBrian was not my friend, though I am playing with him right now. He is a nice guy, and its really fun to play with him. Yeah, you say that you are looking for friends, but its not what you're really doing. You just want some guys to be your 'back', so you don't get into trouble, am I right? You didn't want to make a base, you did not want to do anything else except for PvP / Salvage city (not sure how its called.), so get your facts straight. After I had broken legs, and you just had the chance to get rid of me and Brian, you did, you banned us on TeamSpeak with the reason ''I'm sorry, me and other admins decided that you've been rejected'', and also blocked me on skype. You're the kid here, dude.
  9. Artis12391

    Looking for Friends *DayZ Origins*

    I would not suggest you teaming with this guy, he will just use you for finding resources, and when he gets what he needs, he will just leave you behind, ban you from the teamspeak server and so on.. Happened to me. We got the parts to fix the Mi-17, when he got it, I somehow broke my leg, he just left me behind and left. Too bad people are looking for friendship, but actually scam like this! :unsure: