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About JollyOllieUK

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Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Penzance, Cornwall
  • Interests
    Playing guitar, gaming
  1. Hello, I currently have a 3 man squad playing on a Chernarus private hive and we are currently looking for experienced players to join us, however we can train Bambi's. We are very kitted out and there is also a bandit clan that currently plays on the server which we have a rivalry going on with and we are quite often getting into firefights with them, which is always fun. We are a semi-serious group having set roles for different players, but nothing set in stone giving flexibility towards players, and we would also like players that can switch off and have a laugh. ==Skype is a MUST== If you are interested just fill in this application below and i will get back to you ASAP Age: Timezone: Preferred role: Skills: Skype Name: Steam Name:
  2. Hey, I currently have a 3 man squad setup on a Chernarus private hive where we have decent gear and we are currently looking for new members to join us, their is also a bandit clan on the server which we regularly get into firefights with which is always exciting, if you would like to join us just add me on either Steam or Skype; Skype: Ollie Udell Steam: JollyOllieUK
  3. JollyOllieUK

    Looking to play Day z with people

    Do you use Skype or Teamspeak?
  4. JollyOllieUK

    Looking for some people to play with

    Just one question, do you have Skype? If so i'd be happy to play with you, i'm 15 from the UK and I am a very experienced Day Z player.
  5. JollyOllieUK

    looking for a 18+ pilot

    15, from the UK I am a skilled and keen pilot always up for flying and I have had lots of experience piloting aircraft on ArmA (I have been playing ArmA for almost six months.) and I am also the designated pilot within my teams as I am very capable flying the aircraft.
  6. JollyOllieUK

    [New] International Clan Recruiting 13+

    Arma Name: Olllie Steam name: JollyOllieUK Skype Name: Ollie Udell Age: 14 Timezone: GMT-0 Position: Pilot, Medic, Support roles etc. Skills: Very good pilot + experienced day z player Availability: Weekdays - 4pm - 11pm Weekends - Vary Right now it's still christmas holidays, so i'll be on alot!
  7. JollyOllieUK

    RECON is recruiting (14+)

    Age: 14 Timezone you live in: GMT-0 How much time you day z a day: Usually between 5-6 hours Skills: (Weapon Proficiency etc.) Very Good pilot
  8. Hi, i'm 14 and live in the UK and i am looking to join/start a small group of players to play day z with. Mainly looking for experienced players, i have been playing day z for almost 3 months now, I am also looking for people that work well as a team so that we can co-operate effectively. -Must have a mic + Skype Add me on Skype: Ollie Udell Looking forward to hearing from you :)
  9. Name: Ollie Udell Age: 14 Timezone: GMT-0 Your experience: Been playing Day z for almost 3 months Favorite Gun: M107 Are you patient: Yes Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Not before, no What Role would you prefer?: Pilot/Driver Got a Microphone?: Yes Skype Username?: Ollie Udell
  10. I just applied, looking forward to hearing from you :)
  11. IGN: No Age: 14 Skype: ollie.udell Country: England Do you have teamspeak: No, but i can download if necessary. How much experience do you have?: I've been playing the game for around 2 months. What are your specialties?: Sniping and flying.