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About kagami

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  1. YES I really miss bandit skinn, my favorite "job" was to hunt bandits, now i can sneak up to them and make sure he is bad and continue my judgment.
  2. YES I Had to kill way too many times cuz someone with makarov wanted my winchester. And while this situation will still occur i can spare survivors without a gun. Very nice idea
  3. Cuz as for now DayZ is using arma base items to make some use from them creating something called features, everytime something new is added to game it creates stories, interesting game play mechanics, variety, and after all this is a sugestions/idea place, so instead discarding something straight away try to thing for some creative/interesting use for it.
  4. kagami


    Ummm i know this is obvious but this is becoming more and more like micecraft... Im ok with this.jpg
  5. I see... well, force... hmmm, I dunno DayZ trivia... i mean is there some scraps of plot how this mess happened? cuz i have another thing, well it again might seem forced but i would just love to have this soul on shoulder feeling while watching on my clock. So how about.... Nuclear strike? on cherno exactly at noon everyday... And i know what r u guys thinking... wtf is he thinking? Assuming there would be some story to it, perhaps military stations are still functional somewhere, and so they are doing what every government would do in this situation, especially when zombies are multiplying (lolz zombiez respawned) somehow. It would create sooo much awesome histories and situations. But yeah... kinda sucks... its still not fitted for alpha.... Lets brainstorm something I would really love some use for watch... This is suggestions/ideas after all.
  6. I was reading some other threads and come up with idea tell me is it any good. So we have Compas for directions, matches/wood for fire, hunting knife to gut animal, toolbox for fences/sandbox, map for obvious use. But what about watch/timer/clock? it seems there is no really useful use for it, and dont tell me "you will know when night will come"... i just look on sun, and after all, this knowledge doesn't give you anything really useful. So how about this: make so called "Rush hours" only in biggest cities (cherno/electro/berezino) in regular time holes for example from 9:00 to 12:00, 15:00-18:00, 21:00-0:00 etc. a masive amount of blind zombies appears (why blind? just a sec and you will see logic) it would be so many that firing single bullet in cherno in that time would be death sentence or total waste of bullets. those guys cannot see cuz they are hiding indoors for most most day occasionally coming out to "hunt" (remember I am legend?) it would reward everyone who sneaks, cuz prone doesn't make noise you could still get away, splinter cell style. As for balance, in "normal hours" there would be less zombies but normal ones (they can see you) It would also somehow resolved happy trigger ppl problem which lately is more and more visible, and of course watch, now useless would become one of the best things to have. And even if you dont have watch on you, you can still hear clock tower bells, if you are near town, so you can still point what hour is it. If you want to pvp, steal shit, kill ppl, no problem, if you are more of a sneaky dont want to be seen guy, no problem. All of this would add another interesting use of ingame mechanics, and a lot of immersion. Just imagine following situation: Walking with a bro in some market, looting in cherno, friend nervously ask what time is is, you respond "hury up man its only 3 minutes left" he is sloppy and then from clock tower bell sound... both of you are friezed from fear when sound of zombies appears allover the place, a bandit comes into shop looking for shelter... you point at him, he points at you... you both dont shoot cuz you know this will mean death of both of you. So what do you guys think? or maybe propose some other use for "time" or modification of this idea.
  7. I would love to have "rush hours" in cities in particular times of day f example from 9-12, 15-18, 21-00 a masive amount of zombies apears in big cities (cherno/electro, watches would be then immensely useful) it would make pvp in those times way too dangerous and not profitable from ammunition stand point, everyone would think two times before pulling trigger, and automatically would reward sneaking. It would be awesome, just imagine walking with a bro in some market looting in cherno, friend nervously ask what time is is, you respond "hury up man its only 3 minutes left" he is sloppy and then from clock tower bell sound... both of you are freezed from fear when sound of zombies appears allover you, then a bandit comes into shop looking for shelter... you poing at him he points at you... you both dont shoot cuz you know this will mean death of both of you... oh gooood i would pay for this
  8. Yeah like totally' date=' just the other day I was running to my care package and was like OMGZZZZ its a AC-130. Just then some noob bandit quick scoped me from across cherno and stole it. He then proceeded to use to to go 50-0 all up and down the coast and you like totally couldn't spawn. The ridiculousness of my post is just an over the top example of how stupid that part of your post was. For even mentioning COD in the same sentence as anything related to arma is pretty much blasphemy and you should be burned. [/quote'] But he said true, its not about mechanics, its not about gameplay, its about what ppl want to do... and that is to kill others... just that, what else can you do in cod? his point was that this mod is a realistic RPG zombie apocalypse simulator based on the most realistic army simulator... and yet all ppl want to do lately is just kill others... i saw streamers killing just to have highest "killstreak" (and im not really talking about whiskey, who was also doing this shit) no matter bandit or survi... tell me this is not a cod mindset. And its fine really if you want to do just that but lately its more and more of mindless butchering.
  9. What makes heroes in zombie movies or tv shows (walking dead nowadays) to stick together forming bands? ONE RULE enemy of my enemy is my friend... if surviving become more difficult ppl will have to team up... how about huge packs of random zombies traveling alongside coast roads from one city to another, or make "rush hours" where every 2 hours HUGE wave of zombies appears in cities (watch would be finally usable), that way would make pvping in cities more difficult and not much rewarding but it would encourage sneaking in for supplies, and even if a bandit see another person, he will think 3 times before pulling trigger in the middle of horde. It would push ppl inland which is reasonable and realistic. My fun with game up now was killing bandits with cz in electro/cherno and giveaway their stuff to some friendly survivors, to hear that joy in chat how they though im gonna kill them and yet he walks away with m4 with ammo fine and dandy cuz of me, its really rewarding to help others at least for me. Problem started just like op said, when this mod become popular, and horde of new ppl played cuz of "omg zombiez" and now really there is literally deathmatch on almost every server. But i think solution to all problems is just like i said, make game a lot more harder, so that when a bandit and survivor meet eachother in the middle of cherno they will instantly shake hands, and sign hold fire treaty for next 30 min.