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About dida1337

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  1. My post was supposed to be sarcastic.
  2. They will remove it. They even have the updater which will make it even easier you know. It's not like their mod needs that code anyways. It is there simply because it was on the internet you know. If it is on the internet then you can just take it you know. We have developers which have a life you know, they can't code all day. This is ridiculous.
  3. dida1337

    Beta 94945 Working Follow instruction!

    Not working for me
  4. dida1337

    Experimental test patch

    Finally someone with feelings
  5. dida1337

    disable 3rd person view.

    Because its exploitable. End of story.
  6. dida1337

    disable 3rd person view.

    3dp is so exploitable that its just ridiculous. But I can understand all the noobs who can't play without it (look at me, I am so pretty). When they realized that they just died because guy who killed them abused it by making him invisible to them while he can see them clearly it might change their minds. Or it wont.
  7. Can one server be with 3dp:off and ch:off?
  8. In Arma2OA cfg profile you can set mouseSensitivityX and mouseSensitivityY lower then 0.2 (which is what you get when the slider in game is all the way to the left) I just lowered it and its fine now.
  9. My X and Y axis are all the way down, smoothness is also all the way down and my sensitivity is still too high. Any workarounds?
  10. dida1337

    Cannot Connect to Servers Running Hive 0.9.1

    I have the same problem