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About timini

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thanks very much. Gonna go try that right now.
  2. Wow... just happened again. Different server, different hacker. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to avoid this in the future?
  3. Thanks for the helpful replies folks. It's been fixed for me, albeit in a rather unfortunate way. I ended up joining a server with a lot of players on it and just leaving the program running in the background, in the hopes that someone would find my body and kill me. What ended up happening is ANOTHER hacker teleported everyone to one spot and I was able to get up before someone shot me in the back. But hey, at least I can play again. :rolleyes: If anyone else has this problem and needs a hand, let me know. Happy to help now that I know how much it sucks.
  4. Hello, So I was hacked by a hacker tonight. I think they teleported me or something. But all of the sudden my character was flailing all over the place and my screen had the hourglass on it. Also, the debug monitor suddenly appeared with a link to "Removed link" in it. I could not do anything, including chat or access the menu. Since I couldn't access the menu, I had to Ctrl+Alt+Del to get back to Windows. Now on every server I join, my character instantly falls on the ground, with an endless hourglass appearing on the screen. I cannot access the menu or even chat to ask someone to kill me. I have tried deleting my profile and creating a new one, it didn't fix the problem. Could someone please help me? I am a new player and this is my first encounter with a hacker. I knew that they could kill you, but I did not know they could break the game completely. Very dissappointing as I just bought Arma for $30 three days ago to play this awesome mod. I really love this game and was just getting into it! Thank you, Timini