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Everything posted by luke4077

  1. I sincerely doubt ANYONE could carry enough in a backpack to keep a helicopter/plane from lifting off.
  2. Actually, in my bambi days, they were my #1 stop for weapons. Double-barreled shotgun, Lee enfield, and (if I found myself lucky) a CZ-550. Plus all the food and drink.
  3. Infections can be given by any kind of wound, be it 9mm, hatchet or knife. I think 1 hit shock, 3 hit KO, 4 hit death. Keep in mind, we are talking instant death. On the other hand, I could easily stab your four times with a knife in a very short time.
  4. luke4077

    Calling all Bandits!

    Don't be a complete ***, mate. Also, Rhino, I'm a fan of your Youtube channel :thumbsup: :beans:
  5. A: Your in-game name: Luke B: Your condition/ailments: Broken leg C: Your location - be specific: Hills near Rog Castle. (Can use flashlight/flare if on night server) D: A general description of your character: Survivor, double-barreled shotgun.Edit: Death by character not saving.
  6. All right, like the title said, I want to know what could (or should) I have done differently? I'm on a fairly empty server, ~10 people. 2 people are bragging about the kills they're getting in Cherno, which I am just outside, wanting to enter. Now, I wait roughly half an hour, and then decide to enter, and search, Cherno. (Note, at this point, all I really have is a CZ and a makarov - hardly going to last me in a firefight). I take a quick search of a hospital, and then make my way to the fire station. When I reach the top, I hear footsteps below me. I turn around, makarov drawn, and see someone with a rifle sitting right below me. Now, let it be said, I am friendly. I don't like killing people, and I've never actually done so before. The problem is, I knew there had been bandits here recently. I pumped a whole clip into him, and he dropped like a rock. Then I saw his friend unconscious on the floor. Upon realizing neither of them were bandits, I bandaged him and gave him a blood transfusion, to say "Sorry for killing your friend, but what was I supposed to do?" He seemed to accept my apology, and didn't shoot me. We both kind of stayed up there, not sure what was next, when a person spawned in front of us. He was unarmed, and so neither of us shot him, but less than 5 seconds later, I heard gunshots. These gunshots were close, and I wasn't sure if the newcomer had just drawn a weapon, if the person I just revived turned bandit, or what was happening, and I wasn't sticking around to find out. I booked it out of the fire station, and used alt to look around and find that one of the bragging bandits was up there. I drew my CZ, and tried to hit him, but completely missed. At this point, I was really annoyed with this guy. He was taunting in voice chat, shooting, doing all kinds of obnoxious things. I sat there with my sniper for a minute, seeing if I could get another shot and considering just charging him with my makarov, using the element of surprise. I decided that was absolutely moronic, and it occurred to me that I could climb the fire station's ladders and kill him with my sniper when he left. So, I snuck around the building, climbed the ladder, and started searching. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him, and after a few minutes, I gave it up and left the area. I realize this was long, but I just have one thing to say: I know I did the right thing in shooting the first person. I had no way of knowing he was friendly, and just a moment to decide. I want to know what could I have done that may have killed the bandit, or if I did everything OK?
  7. Like I said, I had no problem shooting the guy. Perhaps I should be more clear. What could I have done to kill the bandit?