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About block0

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  1. block0

    US 1844

    Good all-around server, not choppy like some others I've been on recently. As far as the previous questions go... it has 3dp (first person) enabled, as well as vehicles. I've found a few vehicles (bikes, a bus, gaz, uaz), fixed one up and have been using it for a few days now. Server feels kind of empty though, needs more players on it. Also, the past few hours its been missing from the server list, but DayZ commander shows it in my recent's list with a 10k ping, and it has a "private hive" symbol next to it. Are you guys running your own hive now?
  2. Fuck you and your stream, you Alt-F4 jerk. Also, you admitted to accepting hacked items from a 'nice hacker'. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41369-hacker-that-is-streaming-it I smell a perma-ban in your future.
  3. Happened to me earlier today as well. Not sure which server it was, but it was definitely a US server. I was south of the northern-most castle (Devils Tower), just running around, hitting random deer stands, when I stopped for a quick map check by going prone under a pine tree. Before I could bring up the map, I was suddenly on a roof of an industrial building in Cherno, surrounded by dozens of other players, who all seemed confused at first. Then the shooting started. Being prone at the time of the teleport probably saved me, as the first few bullets flew over my head. I aborted and disco'd. When I logged back into another server, I was still on the same roof in Cherno, but this time I was alone, luckily. Also, I still had all my health and gear. Had to hot-foot it out of there and scramble north into the woods... but I survived. Barely. This is a pretty major security hole. It is game-breaking... potentially killing the entire mod if Rocket can't get a handle on it soon. As fast as social media has helped spread the word about how great the mod is, it can also bite DayZ in the ass by spreading how easy it is to hack, and how frustrating the game is now. Unfortunately, humans tend to remember bad stuff longer and with more passion than good stuff, so the association of DayZ with hackers will probably stick around long after the holes are patched.
  4. block0

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Perhaps this is just another experiment on Rocket's part? Post info about an update, then go silent. See what happens, how people react, how they treat each other. Just like in the game; survivors wandering a hostile wasteland (this thread), avoiding the infected (the dumb), searching for any bits of scrap to survive on (patch notes), with no hint of any relief on the horizon, or any answers to why we are in this situation. Its a game within a game. Its Dayzception.
  5. I understand you are angry, but you should step back and take a few things into consideration. First, you will never get anywhere threatening to boycott the game, there are just too many DayZ players now, so the impact of one clan leaving the game seem trivial, despite the clan being 30 members strong. Threatening to leave makes you sound like a child. Second, you didn't buy DayZ, and have never given the creator of DayZ, Dean Hall, anything. You bought a game called ArmA2 and its sequel, Operation Arrowhead from Bohemia Interactive Studio. You then downloaded DayZ; a *free*, still-in-development zombie apocalypse mod that happens to use those two games for its engine. If you still insist you are owed a refund, you must contact the retail store or online service you purchased Arma2 from. However, when they ask you why you need a refund, you probably will not be able to use the excuse that a "third party, alpha stage mod has a cheater that killed me once". I'm sure the people you speak to will explain that Bohemia Interactive is not responsible for third party individuals programing mods that use their title for its engine, nor are they responsible for the development of DayZ, nor for any exploits that DayZ might still have. If you read the end user license for that product, I'm positive it spells all that out for you. In short, ArmA2 is not the defective product, its the third party mod that you are complaining about. Third, you need to realize this is not a finished game. This is an open, public test. The finished game might not even use ArmA2 or ArmA3 for its engine. This public test, or "Alpha", is just to flesh out the game mechanics and get feedback from the public. It would be far less stressful if you just remember that the game is probably not even 10% finished at this point. Of course there will be exploits that need to be fixed. There have already been a lot of bugs and exploits squashed already. Just look at the release notes for the past updates. Every one of them has a bug fix or an exploit countermeasure. Fourth, if the developers find out that that the guy who you claim cheated, actually did cheat, they might not even know how. They might not take any action against him till they figure out what he is doing, and thus, they cannot reply to this thread yet. And, finally, my fifth point.... even if there was a cheater as you claim, and the developers know about him, and know how he did it, and how to close the exploit, they might not have time to get to it right away if its not a widely used exploit. Frankly, if you have 100 people shooting rocket launchers at you, you are not going to worry so much about the lone guy throwing rocks at you. You take care of the biggest threats first. Basically, you and I have no way of knowing what is going on with the development stuff, they might have already found and fixed the exploit in the next hotfix, but not told anyone about it, to keep it from being abused till they can get the hotfix released. Chill out, nothing is gonna happen as soon as you demand it. Its only been 2 days and you are ranting about one cheater in a early development video game mod that you downloaded for free. Try to put things in perspective here. You probably have running water, plenty of food, access to quality healthcare, and obviously, stable internet, and a computer that can run ArmA2. You are clearly better off than 95% of the worlds population. TLDR: Early alpha software, its not perfect. Its free, runs on top of paid games. You are clearly having "First world problems", get over yourself.
  6. I've been playing all day since the hotfix, no sign of food anywhere. I went from the coast near Kamenka, up thru Zeleno twice, nothing. Not a can of beans or pasta in sight. Loot in general seems to not be spawning much the further north you go. But, thats just a gut feeling though. Barns seem empty except for cans and the random hatchet or 5. Also, deer stands seem to only be spawning stuff rarely now. I used to be able to find something in a stand 9 times out of 10. Now they are mostly empty. Edit: As far as the starting supplies (no gun) its great! Love the challenge. Also, finding a gun within 5 minutes of starting is easy, I've done it 3 or 4 times now in a row.
  7. block0

    A real use for Humanity levels

    Then.... whats your idea? How about we change the skins to a bandit if the humanity drops below a certain level? That sounds stupid to? Yet it was part of the game for a bit, and not many complained (except bandits).
  8. block0

    A real use for Humanity levels

    Ok, ok, I get it.... gameplay is currently perfect in its current form... at least that is what I'm getting from this? Glad I didn't really expect to get any positive feedback from this post. Since NONE of the other suggestions in this forum section ever get any positive feed back from anyone, ever, so I was expecting this kind of reception. You did not disappoint. I did, however, expect to hear at least a few suggestions, not just "no no no"...or "but MY friends are awesome, bring your own friends" blah blah blah. If none of my suggestions are 'realistic' enough for a zombie game (did you read that part about zombie = realism? good) then what suggestions would you give to make this less of a COD style instagib-fest that wears out its welcome in a few weeks? I'm shooting for longevity in the game, not trying to re-balance the system here... just trying to make sure this game lasts longer than the attention span of the average 13yo male with an Xbox live account.
  9. This mod is a ton of fun, however, there is a point you get to.... where the game can stop being fun. Soon people will realize that you either have to go bandit, or go solo in the woods and avoid all human contact. Most normal people don't relish doing either. This needs to be addressed by balancing game play soon, or people will abandon the mod just as fast at they fell in love with it. Yes, paranoia and fear are part of the game, but there is no more fear or paranoia when you know for 100% certain that EVERY one who sees you will try to kill you. It just becomes yet another deathmatch game among hundreds of others. And now with the removal of the bandit skins, there is even less incentive to play together. This game has a real chance of devolving into a simple deathmatch game with a zombie nuisance thrown in. So, what I'm suggesting is a real use for the humanity system already coded in the mod. I'm not suggesting keeping the bandit skins, but something different. Something that actively encourages co-op game play, yet still hides your humanity levels from everyone else, which keeps the bandit option viable for those that really want to be a-holes and do nothing but blast newbies running along the coast. First, revamp the humanity system so that its a scale from 0 to either 100, or -100. So, every player starts with zero and has to earn humanity, or can lose humanity. If you kill a player that has a lot of +humanity, you lose a proportionate amount from your humanity. Likewise, if you kill a player with -humanity, your humanity increases a proportionate amount to what negative humanity they carried. Otherwise, make earning/losing humanity very gradual.... like one +point for bandaging someone, or one -point for pickpocketing a backpack. Aside from the other perks / repercussions listed below... this would encourage players to seek out the worse bandits on the server. It would also encourage players to actively seek out and help other players, since they get better perks if they have higher humanity levels, or hang around with higher humanity level players. I don't know how much can actually be done with the current game engine, but possible perks and repercussions of your humanity level could include: +humanity Perks ---------------------------------------- --More loot spawning nearby --Better initial kit upon respawn (perhaps a compass or revolver) --Higher chance of better weapons spawning nearby --More meat available on animals --Able to self-administer blood packs --More blood restoration from canned food --Less chance of catching an infection --Less chance of a zombie alerting on you while in crouch mode -humanity Repercussions ---------------------------------------- Fewer 'rare' weapon spawning nearby Fewer medical items spawning nearby Chance of bandaging yourself not working the first time Unable to recover as much blood from food Higher chance of alerting zombies in crouch/prone mode More chance of catching an infection More hand-shake when using scoped weapons Less stamina when running at full sprint (forced cool downs) Unable to repair vehicles or fuel them Unable to use wire kits or entrenching tool Can only carry smallest backpacks Random gun jams, or the occasional misfire On top of the perks/repercussions, you could have a 'most wanted' system for the bandit with the highest negative humanity on the server, and mark that player with an always-on flare or chemlight. On the flip side, you can have a reward for the player with the highest humanity on the server, such as a bulletproof vests that take X amount of bullet-only damage before it erodes away.