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About ResidentEvil

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. ResidentEvil

    Suggestion for DayZ standalone.

    Sure it was. At least have some respect for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series by adding the dots. Give me some prime examples of a "sandbox" video game? By your definition. When I google "sandbox" it directs me to "open world" which include such games as GTA and S.T.A.L.K.E.R..
  2. ResidentEvil

    Suggestion for DayZ standalone.

    Whatever loser. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a sandbox game too and they had factions: Loners, Duty, Freedom, Military, and Bandits.
  3. Is the standalone going to use the same shitty maps it has now? Because that's pretty lazy and pathetic. I don't think it should only be restricted to unknown and fictitious continent/country. Rocket should make Los Angeles, Manhattan, New York and London maps, et cetera. Wouldn't that be cool? Come on. Put in some real work like Bethesda does. Make huge maps and buildings you can enter. Surely you have the technology? It doesn't have to be imminent but you can make it a free DLC, or purchasable if you prefer, when the SA comes out. Make L.A. look like this and fill it with zombies! Lots of zombies!!! Dean Hall read this and please respond.
  4. ResidentEvil

    Suggestion for DayZ standalone.

    Yeah sure whatever.
  5. Make factions for the DayZ standalone. Split them into 3 factions. One faction will consists of the survivors, the other one will be for bandits, and the third one zombies. Give survivors and bandits different skin so you'll know who to shoot. Allow group invites and such.
  6. ResidentEvil

    Add Martial Arts fighting to the DayZ SA?

    Simple punching actually sounds like a really good idea. It's more realistic.
  7. ResidentEvil

    DayZ Standalone: Realistic Looting

    He's referring a similarity of your suggestions to the game Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.
  8. ResidentEvil

    Add Martial Arts fighting to the DayZ SA?

    Thanks. Will do.
  9. ResidentEvil

    Add Martial Arts fighting to the DayZ SA?

    That show sucks and you suck for watching it.
  10. Wouldn't it be really cool if you could fight zombies with your martial arts talents? You can use combos like in Tekken and kill zombies with a neck twist or pull their head off to kill them. Maybe it's a stupid suggestion but I think it's pretty cool. The military train in martial arts. Marines train in MCMAP, Spetsnaz train in Systema, and the Israeli army train in Krav Maga.
  11. Make nuclear plants highly radioactive and with rare treasures so that you'll need a gas mask or radiation suits to enter and fill them with lots of zombies. Wouldn't that be cool?
  12. I've already used the search function so stop f*cking telling me to use it. It says "No results found for 'standalone gameplay'." My question is this. Is the DayZ standalone still going to use the same gameplay as the mod now or will it be completely different? Easier or harder?
  13. I would like to see one with a gas mask. Breathing around zombies can't be good for you. Kind of like this
  14. ResidentEvil

    Add AR-15s in the standalone.

    Thanks for backing me up. That is exactly what I was suggesting.
  15. ResidentEvil

    Add NPC bandits

    Wouldn't it be cool if there were NPC bandits. I don't know why they didn't even put them in the mod.