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Everything posted by theirongiant

  1. theirongiant

    Status Report - 06 Feb 15

    Are those animal gifs representative of what the new renderer is going to bring?
  2. theirongiant

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    To be fair that's been an integral part of DayZ's code since the mod days, I'm convinced there's a DontSpawnItemSearchedFor() function in there somewhere. Also a complimentary NowTheyDontNeedItSpawnItEverywhere() function :D
  3. theirongiant

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Has anyone seen a pen since 0.53? I realise it might not be top of everyone's priority list but can't find one for love nor money and it's kinda having an adverse effect on our bounty hunter event which require me to have a codeword on a note.
  4. Bug or has something changed, not getting the option to light them now.
  5. theirongiant

    So yeah, about that new Alcatraz island............

    Needs more handcuffs and steak knives
  6. theirongiant

    Public service announcement

    This is as good a comprehensive guide as I've found to date: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-guides/dayz-standalone-performance-guide
  7. theirongiant

    Status Report - Week of 19 Jan 15

    Are BEguid's being ditched in favour of steamid's as player identifiers in the logs or is there going to be some mix of the two?
  8. theirongiant

    Forum Signature help?

    http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v2.8/windows/ either download the gimp-2.8.14-setup-1.exe or the torrent version gimp-2.8.14-setup-1.exe.torrent if you've any doubts about gimp try googling 'best free graphics software', every list is going to include gimp, it's basically a free, open source version of photoshop.
  9. theirongiant

    Is today patch day?

    Is there notice given beforehand, I always seem to find out after the fact when a new patch goes live, is this intentional or am I missing the correct place to check for details.
  10. theirongiant

    Forum Signature help?

    Once you have opened your image in gimp you want to click on the select tool (top left) and then make sure that you have ticked the fixed checkbox, selected aspect ratio in the dropdown and entered your ratio in the textbox as shown here Now when you make a selection on the image (left click and drag) it will ensure that the selection is in the correct ratio. When you're happy with the selection hit ctrl+c to copy it and then go to File -> Create -> From Clipboard Now goto Image -> Scale image and enter in the dimensions you want to use and you should now have you signature image. Goto File -> Save for Web and then click save on the window that pops up.
  11. theirongiant

    Forum Signature help?

    Gimp or paint.net are probably the best tools to use here. They allow you to make a rectangular selection but allow you to make sure that it is in the correct ratio. If you want to try installing gimp I can talk you through it.
  12. theirongiant

    Forum Signature help?

    your 1080 screeny is 1920 x 1080 pixels, roughly a 2:1 ratio (it's actually 16:9), the image you're wanting to create is 600 x 150 pixels or 4:1 ratio. Either the final image is going to be deformed or you need to cut a 4:1 section out of the 1080 screeny and resize it to 600 x 150. Vegas Pro probably isn't the best thing to use, should be able to do it all simply in paint or one of the free graphics apps like paint.net or gimp.
  13. theirongiant

    Is today patch day?

    Just a thought, there's been a lot of talk about anti-hacking measures and more detailed logs, maybe it's a server-side update only.
  14. We all know that running speed has been boosted and that it's due to be reduced at some point when it's felt vehicles are satisfactorily in place. Whenever the switch is flipped it's going to feel like running through molasses to everyone who has acclimatised to the current running speed over the past year. I was thinking it'd be a good idea, now that vehicles are on the horizon, if running speed could be incrementally reduced towards the target speed with each patch. Hopefully that way it will be less jarring when it's returned to normal.
  15. theirongiant

    Reduce running speed by increments as vehicles are introduced

    Aye, i'm not really sweating when it happens, just thinking it might be good idea to phase it in as the time approaches so it's less of an abrupt change.
  16. --- PRESENTS --- Jan 5th - Jan 11 Events All Week Leading to our BIG WEEKEND on the 10th/11th Click here for more details MOVED TO NEW SERVER HOST Hosted By Fragnet.com Forum: http://www.ZombieSkelper.com Teamspeak: ts.ZombieSkelper.com Twitter: @Zombie_Skelper 2 x 50 Slots on a shared Private Hive 1PP & 3PP servers with the same character on both Automated Whitelisting running every 20 minutes 24/7 Whitelisting will only be in effect for Events
  17. It's Event Week on ZombieSkelper.com Jan 5th - Jan 11th!!! Events running each day leading up to our BIG WEEKEND on the 10th/11th Admin Hunts each night Click here for details
  18. I'm not doing any of those things
  19. No, I wrote a script that keeps the whitelist up to date, got tired of doing it manually.
  20. The whitelist is updated every 20 minutes.
  21. theirongiant

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    What's the status of persistence in 0.51?
  22. theirongiant

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    perspective - which is ironic as it's the thing most of these 1pp v 3pp threads lack
  23. theirongiant

    In response to characters being reset:

    I now wait till the time shows that the server has been up for 1 minute before joining and haven't lost a character since doing this. I've added a message to tell players this to all our restart warnings.
  24. Jesus people, don't join servers when they have just restarted, wait till it's showing at least 1 minute past the hour before joining, I've never lost a character since I started doing this.