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About Kane1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kane1

    Help me!

    Thanks for you help, i cant seem to increase the vehicle count it wont work
  2. Kane1

    Help me!

    Thank you very much , i just had the wrong port :P thanks bro big help!
  3. Kane1

    Help me!

    yeah im using the steam version and im using the pwnoz0r version too
  4. Kane1

    Help me!

    Yeah im trying to set it up at home on my own pc ive tried the doesnt seem to work but i think ive done something wrong with sql how do i fix this?
  5. Kane1

    Help me!

    Hiya guys im having trouble with my private hive, it works fine but when it comes up where it reads the ip my ip doesn't seem to work ive tried many ips which one do i use? go here to see what i mean http://gyazo.com/c39afbe01b695bc528fe3cde6dbabe8e Thanks, Kane