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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Body arrmor -must find plate carrier -soft armor inserts good for small arms fire -Hard standalone plates good for so many hits or reduction in damage depending on firearm and shot. -Can combine the two for even more protection -you are not superman, only shots to center mass will be protected and the armor will degrade. Vehicles -hard and soft plates can be combined or added seperately to vehicle(protecting engine block from pesky trolls with50 cal.) -depending on the vehicle is how strong it will be -soft armor can be added to a car tire to make run flats, which when shot out are good for so many meters at a slower speed before completely blowing out. AND OF COARSE BASE BUILDING SHOULD BE MADE(even if its just hesco barriers) Hesco barriers -add mele weapon pickaxe can be used for fighting or can be used to make hesco barriers(just like axes with trees, no need for minecraft) -rock gravel and scrap metal=barrier or -rock gravel and fence sections kind of a stretch but watching walking dead made me think that if you could gut a zombie you could make a zombie camo spray for less detection from zombies. you must have in main inventory to work(maybe even like a chemlight) the only problem is that the zombie camo scent or object will make you slowly sick when using it. when in backpack it is properly stored no need to hurt you. alot on here, but why not mace, pepperspray or taser like in city life.(non-lethal options might be beneficial, for certain situations)bean bag rounds?
  2. as much as its a zombie survival game it also is a pvp game. body armor is not perfect it only protects your center mass. yes kevlar and other materials like it would be good against most handgun rounds hard plates would be good against rifles combo might save you from 308 rounds
  3. i was thinking more along the lines of a defensive barrier between players as well as zombies.
  4. exactly, cheers on the weight idea. yeah it would take away your inventory, like in real life sacrifices, watch blackhawk down. also would slow vehicle and or take away room.