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About luizl

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  1. What about the hackers?
  2. One day I went to a empty server about 12 players counting with me and a friend. Got some gear. Got my precious guillet suit. After 2 hours from the very start BOOOOOOOMMMMMM Every one was dead. It seems that they don't care what serve they attack. The hackertards just go serve to serve kill every one with the MASSIVESHITBOOMB!
  3. like this video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0aUTP55Cc8&feature=g-all-u
  4. luizl

    Never try to kill hackers

    That is so cool. It's like a demon pet. Well I was like "wtf" all the time. Could not even think what I was doind. :((( I'm gonna make the subtitles for this video.
  5. luizl

    Never try to kill hackers

    We like to shot and wast bullets :DD
  6. luizl

    Day Z Videos

  7. Please Dayz dev. team do something about it. The server and time are at the end of the video. V. - Beta build: 96061
  8. Hey, I just updated and I got stuck in all servers "Waiting for character to create" screen. Only for me? Thanks!
  9. luizl

    Combat logger

    yep! Rocket I love you if you creat a combat system to avoid combat loggers.