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About chanman20

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    New YOrk
  1. Sacriel is iwinning this <3
  2. you cant just tell someone not to shoot you... .. i was going to have me and somefriends check the sever out but i don't think we will now seeing the kind of admins you have
  3. lol forgot how much fun playing in the dark could be xD
  4. great sever and they do a ton of events. I think i found a new home ^__^
  5. i might come check this sever out it sounds really fun
  6. well the short time i have gotten to play on the sever it seems really nice ^^ gonna be a lot more active there soon
  7. LOL adults yeah right you all came on here and bashed him and flamed him then tried to bait him cause he wouldn't reply to all of you guys insults... If anything he has shown hes more mature then almost everyone who mods your sever...
  8. i might check this sever outlater it sounds really nice ^^
  9. LOL some admin kid gets mad, trys to steal the whole admin team andmakes copies of everything, then comes on theforums and bashes him and lies. Well im glad Williamz sever is doing a lot betterthen yours infact even tho ilove pvp i might go play his sever and throwa few $ his way
  10. chanman20

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    UGH I JUST CANT FREAKING WAIT imma about to buy the game so i can play the mod then get SA when it comes out. I hear Arma 2 is pretty good tho
  11. chanman20

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    cut the man a freaking break... he will give news when hes ready and has free time
  12. chanman20

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    and its not the end of the week so you fail...