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Gator Biggs

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Everything posted by Gator Biggs

  1. If I were him, and I saw you milling about I would have told my friend to hang back too, while I initiated contact.. In case you wern't so friendly. Or he never met the guy and was looking for you so all three of you could group up.
  2. Gator Biggs

    DayZ Mod Update

    loving the removal of peripheral's. nice one ;)
  3. Gator Biggs

    Looking For A Good Home Server

    ^ what he said. whitelisting is kinda essential to avoid the skiddies mate.
  4. Gator Biggs

    Does this normally happen?

    yeah i haven't encountered a single hacker on UK46. maybe i've just been lucky? balotabuddies have a slightly extensive application process but it's for a reason. i definetely recommend it if you wanna avoid seeing flying cows in the future. or lay off the lucy ;)
  5. Gator Biggs

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    um.. you killed him, dude. he should be rage-quitting, not you.
  6. Gator Biggs

    What do you feel like when you kill someone?

    like most people have said, it depends entirely on the circumstances. i once capped a player in the back of the head while he was looting the corpse of another player he had just killed. that made me cackle like the cryptkeeper.
  7. Gator Biggs

    Opinions on this behaviour

    it does make you wonder what kind of reality we would be facing if society as we know it was to collapse, and people could live out their fantasies on the streets, in our homes etc with no judicial system in place? instead of acting them out in a virtual world.
  8. Gator Biggs

    Cool guys never kill. A true story.

    i would have used the AS50 to watch the show up-close and personal.. ..from a nearby hilltop.
  9. Gator Biggs

    Opinions on this behaviour

    true that. to laugh that hysterically over shooting a bunch of virtual textures in the face suggests some underlying issues.
  10. Gator Biggs

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    yeah, i guess sidechat can be an immersion-breaker at times.. ..but then so can a murderous barn door.
  11. Gator Biggs


    not true.. there are some private hives where your humanity score sticks. i die all the time, and im still a hero.
  12. Gator Biggs

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    good one, sir. i like your style.
  13. Gator Biggs

    How to Become a Bandit

    im sure the skins are still in.. i have the super stylish plaid hero shirt. unless its server-specific?
  14. Gator Biggs

    Any tips for a newcomer?

    how have you managed that? 6 weeks without killing is feasible, but without being capped or sniped?
  15. Gator Biggs

    Silenced Makarov

    i've had no trouble 1-hit headshotting zombies either.. it's easily my fave sidearm. no aggro, and loads of ammo lying around. (obviously server dependant..)
  16. Gator Biggs

    what do you guy think a bandit is?

    not necessarily. you don't have to kill someone to relieve them of their burdens, so to speak. some bandits see more fun in leaving the would-be victim barely alive, with no supplies, wondering "why the f*ck didn't he just finish the job..?!"
  17. Gator Biggs

    Namalsk: survival guide. [UPD3]

    gameplay mechanics look similar to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series, think i'll give it a go.
  18. Gator Biggs

    Can I do anything about this...?

    private hives are definetely the way forward if you wanna avoid another episode like that mate.
  19. Gator Biggs

    questionable kill?

    the car wasn't a trap?
  20. coming from someone who earlier in your post admitted 'killing a fresh spawn' and indulging in 'banditesque things'.. :huh:
  21. Gator Biggs

    Highway banditry?

    why'd he stop? i would have mowed you down.. no offense.
  22. Gator Biggs

    How to get the bandit skin

    as in, the game actively encourages you to make the game 'your own story..'. you know what i meant dude.
  23. sounds good mate, PM'd ya.
  24. Gator Biggs

    Is there still a point in buying Arma 2?

    OP asked if its still worth buying arma II, lets not have another release speculation thread eh peeps. id say its still worth getting mate, especially as its on sale on steam. theres no telling when standalone will drop so there could potentially be months of life (..and death) left in the current build.
  25. Gator Biggs

    Happy New Year

    happy '13 peeps! once more round the sun together eh :)