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Gator Biggs

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Everything posted by Gator Biggs

  1. Gator Biggs

    Whats with this Shoot on sight mentality?

    I hope they dont bring back the bandit / hero system. It made no sense that other players could guess your mentality just by looking at you, and not everyone who is untrustworthy dresses like a terrorist / insurgent or whatever. If anything it contributed to the KoS mentality because people were less likely to interact, given they could already 'see' if someone was good / bad.
  2. Gator Biggs

    My first banditry and questions ???

    It's exactly the same thing. That player was defenseless.. Same as you would be if you were armed with an axe vs. a fully geared up vet with automatic weapons.
  3. Gator Biggs

    My first banditry and questions ???

    Okay. You just got your kicks out of 'burying your axe' in a newspawns face, and putting your little story up here on the forum. Yet 'it seems a little unfair to you' that older, more experienced players might be able to get geared up easier than you and kill all the new players.
  4. Gator Biggs

    My first banditry and questions ???

    Wait, what? :huh: Read your post back to yourself and tell me whats wrong with that sentence.
  5. Gator Biggs

    Standalone Hostage Gold

    "see thats getting closer.. oh god you're bleeding!!" :o
  6. Gator Biggs

    Dean Hall is the Einstein of game dev

    No, because art by its very nature is subjective.. If people don't like it, it will fail.
  7. Gator Biggs

    Dean Hall is the Einstein of game dev

    I'm curious to know what similarities you have found between the development of this game (which is, sad to say.. a lot "like some other games".. most notable being the DayZ mod..) and the development of say, Ocarina of Time.
  8. Which is it gonna be? Thanks for at least responding in a respectful manner. Yeah you're probably right that I expected a little more, at first. Im disappointed to say the least. At no point have I complained about bugs, character wipes or whatever else usually plagues an alpha at this stage in development because I understand what I was buying into. If anything, i'd rather buy a £20 alpha build with potential, even if it falls flat on its face.. than a £40 full release thats falls way below expectations. My issue is that the game doesn't seem to be nearly as much of an improvement over the mod given the time it's taken. It just reinforces the niggling feeling to me that the mod kinda 'got lucky' if that makes sense, right place, right time. There wasn't much like it at the time and its popularity snowballed massively. I honestly think it should have been left as what it was, not cashed in on. I think this should never have been a paid alpha, maybe waited til just before beta I guess. Also think Hall announced the standalone a little too early.. Development has been plagued with hurdles, complications and expectations too high / interest waned / frustrations grown. At least on my part anyways. inb4 "well don't play if you don't like it" etc.
  9. So a year and a half in development, only in alpha.. Dean Hall reckons another year at least before beta. They didn't have to build the core mechanics, engine etc and definetely didn't build a map save for making buildings enterable. They've basically upgraded a mod, of an existing game.. a sequel, no less. Love all the little animations, opening a bottle looks great, as does the compass. Nice sun glare effect. Shame about the bare bones of the game. Still agreeing with OP.. game still worse than the mod it was based on.. except no longer free.
  10. stand·a·lone adj.Self-contained and usually independently operating: i.e a standalone computer terminal. This game is operating on the same mechanics as the ARMA games, on one ARMA2 map that is 4 years old. It has in no way shape or form been built from the ground up, ergo not a 'standalone' title. I dont care what it says on the box.
  11. You use a term like 'bad information' without specifying exactly what it was he said that was bad. Cannot contruct valid counter-argument and therefore calls troll.
  12. Gator Biggs

    A few thoughts after a first playthrough

    A lot of things are still to be implemented. Check the changelogs under news & announcements to keep up to date on whats changed / due to be changed. The spawn rate of motorcycle helmets for example is one thing being looked at. I expect localized loot will also be looked at soon, at the moment what you find is pretty random and not related to where you are. Just a waiting game, with it being alpha and all.
  13. How can the dev's state thats its an alpha and immediately charge £20 / $30?
  14. Gator Biggs

    Easter Eggs?

    Something running around the darkest corners of the woods would be awesome. Something Slender-esque that knocks you unconscious before you can fully make out what it is..
  15. Gator Biggs

    Wild Wasteland (Photo Gallery)

    Yeah mate props for that first pic. :beans:
  16. Gator Biggs

    DayZ price

    I doubt the retail price will be reduced.. If anything it will probably creep up as new content is introduced, such is the norm for early access titles like this. If the price puts you off, for what it is now.. Just add it to your Steam wishlist, keep coming back to check updates etc and in the event it goes on sale you'll be notified.
  17. Missed every single one of my points there. I wasn't questioning the logic behind buying into an early build.. I'm all for paid alpha's etc. I was questioning the ridiculous price for such an early build, and the time it's taken for what is essentially still a mod, somewhere between ARMA2 & 3. It's not even a standalone title. I never mentioned bugs or weapons. Before you begin a post with "shut up already" you ought to quote whom you're referring to. These are public forums and people will voice their opinions if you like it or not.
  18. Gator Biggs


  19. I'm guessing from that staement you never played the mod, and never had someone combat log on you?
  20. "I get that it's alpha, but.." Why, in 18 months of development is it no better, in some ways worse than a mod we have have all already been playing for 1.5 years? Why are we still playing on a map that first saw light in ARMA2 back in summer 2009..? Why, if "we were warned" so much in advance by the developers that is it incomplete etc, did said dev's feel fit to charge us £20 for something clearly not even say, 40% complete? They clearly saw dollar-signs and tried to capitalise on the popularity of their own mod, in the same way the WarZ did. In the time it's taken them there's been a flood of post apoc / survival / zombie / sandbox titles, the genre is stale and I think their window of opportunity has passed. There's a lot of work to be done to prevent this suffering the same fate as the aforementioned abomination.. With the current rate of progress I just don't see that happening.
  21. No one is questioning the amount of bugs as much as they are questioning the complete lack of progress in 18 months over the last build of the DayZ mod. Same map, same mechanics, except now with a shiny £20 price tag. Quote the dev's all you want, if they gave us so many warnings about how incomplete the game is, it seems a little farcical to then go ahead and charge us so much for something so incomplete.
  22. I mean this in a constructive way, i'm not bashing you but I think it's you who's missing the point of the game mate. DayZ is harsh, you lose your gear. You die.. over and over. The game is essentially a rogue-like.. Why do you think there was an 'estimated life expectancy' on the original website? "don't get attached to your gear" was once a common phrase here.. Trying to avoid every confrontation by logging will get you nowhere, except make it all the more frustrating when someone KOS's you out of nowhere without warning, or you glitch through a wall and suddenly your unconcious, bleeding out and you die. All that is pretty much irrelevant, however. Since this is what, pre-alpha? Your supposed to be playtesting for bugs and giving feedback, that's "the point". Not logging out of every confrontation because you're afraid of losing your gear.. When the updates hit there's a chance everyone will lose their gear anyways.
  23. If you do that every time you're outnumbered why bother playing at all? Surely the point is to survive. Your thread is titled 'Had a Rather Fun Encounter'.. I dont see where the fun is in logging every time you think you're likely to die.
  24. The best thing was to pre-emptive combat log?