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Everything posted by zorg_dk

  1. The thing is it isn't a choice of one or the other. Side chat is for having fun' date=' talking to everyone on the server, meeting up with people, leading people into traps etc, everything that radios will be used for when they are in. Direct chat is for talking to people you can see so they know you are watching them, i.e. holding people up, warning people of their situation, scaring people etc. This is great, and I'm sure radios will be awesome. But until they in WHY remove all communication. Its a bad decision to take out important features when you don't have the replacements ready yet. [/quote'] Indeed.
  2. zorg_dk

    Is dayz worth it?

    If a 225km2 persistent world deathmatch with zombies sounds like something up your alley, then yes go for it. Arma2 is my favorite game, so I'd say even if you don't like Dayz, you might like the vanilla game, and some of the other mods. Cheers.
  3. zorg_dk

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    All opinions about side chat are of course valid. That's why we need to have it optional for the servers to enable it or not.
  4. zorg_dk

    No more global chat?

    i agree with your thoughts. it was removed with the arma2 beta patches. hopefully rocket will allow server owners to enable it if they want to. i've tried in several threads to have rocket comment on it, so far no luck.
  5. zorg_dk

    Share servers with SIDECHAT enabled

    Thanks so much for adding to the discussion.:heart:
  6. zorg_dk

    Share servers with SIDECHAT enabled

    Yes, my most missed feature in Dayz currently. Running around in the woods with no chat is more atmospheric for some people. For me it's just dull, and it feels more like running around in the editor when there's no chat. I miss the days where people would work together using the chat etc. I would be nice to hear from Rocket on this. I think sidechat is like 3rd person view, it should be chosen by the servert to have it on or off.
  7. zorg_dk

    disable 3rd person view.

    we have servers with 3rd person, and servers without 3rd person. everybody wins, what's the problem. there are plenty of servers to choose from.
  8. zorg_dk

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Sounds like this build is shaping up nicely. :) Rocket, have you considered letting server owners decide if side chat should be on or off?
  9. zorg_dk

    Side chat enabling to be decided by server owners.

    YES! it is boring with no chat. Let server owners decide.
  10. "i dunno, but it makes me feel bad at first but then i kinda got addicted to causing pain." -dude, that doesn't sound sane lol. :s ;)
  11. fyi, keep in mind you can reduce the shaking in 1st person under game options.
  12. zorg_dk

    New Starting Equipment

    i think it's good as it is, only i would drop the packpack.
  13. zorg_dk

    Non Social Game?

    I'm friendly, for me the best part of Dayz is the player interaction, and I know many others think the same. We are a minority though. My thinking is that for every player I help out, there's a chance that player will be friendly to others too. What goes around comes around.. Sure I get shot a lot, but I can live with that (no pun intended :) ). I've met many friendly players on servers like EU11 and SE10.
  14. I guess the solution, as mentioned by others, would be to have server with, and servers without side chat. Just like some have 3rd person and cross-hair.
  15. Zombie behavior seems much improved. I was able to crawl close to zombies without getting noticed. I saw side chat was back. Is that a server setting, or is side chat back on all servers now? Rocket, have you considered getting rid of the packpack as starting item in the next patch? I think that would be good.
  16. just tried the update. wow it's smooth now!
  17. I just got this: "You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: script restriction #49)" Anyone know what that means?
  18. zorg_dk

    Please read rocket, food and water

    I agree it would be good with less food and water. Yesterday I played with a group of 5, and we were on a constant struggle for supplies up north. E.g. we had to share the same canteen, and take turns drinking at a waterhane. It was actually a lot of fun. So, less food and water = more exciting survival feel.
  19. zorg_dk

    Too hard trying to find your friends

    I miss the global chat. If you're not on teamspeak, and instead are using direct communication, you can't meet up with your group again if you're dead or get lost.
  20. It's very quick to join servers now, that's great. I love the new melee. I thought I would hate it , but it's a lot of fun to whack zombies with an axe. :D I suggest removing the backpack as a starting item. It will make it more special when you actually find one somewhere.
  21. zorg_dk

    Im so confussed

    Rocket you crack me up. :D
  22. same here, script restriction 16, beta 93825